Confinement for a month and only older students will be able to go home


The prime minister said that the measures that the government will adopt tomorrow will have “the horizon of one month” and will entail a closure “very similar” to that from March to April.

As António Costa has heard today from Infarmed specialists, “nothing justifies the closure of schools until the age of 12” and, as for older students, with more infections, there are “very big differences between the experts themselves”, so the Government has not yet decided.

“We are in a clear trend of growth of the pandemic and it is essential that we take action.”

According to the prime minister, there was a “very general consensus” on the numbers of the pandemic and the fact that the measures taken during the weekend alone are not sufficient. “We have to go further,” he confessed.

Even in relation to schools, Costa stressed that experts maintain that it is not the contagions in the educational establishments themselves that are worrying, but the movement of people that open schools imply.

After this meeting, the President of the Republic will listen to the parties, by phone, and will send the draft decree to the Government, which this Tuesday will give its opinion.

Tomorrow will be the debate in the Assembly of the Republic and the Council of Ministers will decide the new measures.

The government does not “get involved” in the campaign

António Costa once again stressed that it will not be the Government that will decree measures for the electoral campaign, appealing to the “common sense” of the candidates.

“The law of the State of Emergency does not allow any interference of measures in the development of electoral campaigns. This is left to the common sense of the candidates”said António Costa.
