Everything you need to know to vote on the 24th


On what day to vote, how to vote abroad or in confinement, and what rules must be followed. See these and other questions answered in this voter guide.

Can you only vote on Election Day, that is, on the 24th?

No. There are several models in the presidential elections on the 24th, from early voting, to mobile and home voting. Early voting should be requested before the 4th. According to the Ministry of Internal Administration, 2,617 people have registered for early voting, which is aimed at inpatient or hospitalized voters. Between tomorrow and Thursday, the meeting, headed by the mayor, travels to the hospital or jail to collect votes.

Who is mobile voting for and how can it be requested?

Mobile voting is for all voters who are unable or unwilling to appear at the polls on Election Day, regardless of the reasons for this impediment. Everyone can apply to vote on mobility, starting today. The registration period, which can be done by mail or electronically, ends on Thursday. Voters can choose the county where they want to vote. They cast their vote on the Sunday before the election date.

Can anyone temporarily abroad vote?

Yes. Abroad, the deadline to register for early voting is between the day after tomorrow and Thursday. It is aimed at voters registered in the national territory and displaced abroad (for any of the reasons provided by law, such as work). The vote is exercised in embassies or consulates that have been previously defined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

And who is in mandatory confinement can also vote?

Yes. It is the great news of this presidential election: the possibility that voters confined by the pandemic can exercise their right to vote at home. To do this, they must register between Thursday and Sunday (day 17): electronically or at the Parish Council where they are registered, through a third party who presents a signed statement and a copy of their identification document. Between the 19th and 20th, a team, led by the mayor, travels to the home of the registered voter. Ballot papers must be quarantined after 48 hours.

What do I need to do on the 24th to vote?

To find out where you are going to vote, you can access the page https://www.recenseamento.mai.gov.pt. The polling stations will be open between 8 am and 7 pm. To vote, simply indicate your name and present your citizenship card or other official document that contains a photograph. If you have none, your identity can be recognized unanimously by the board or by two duly identified voters.

Are voters required to wear a mask when voting?

Yes. Wearing a mask is mandatory. On voting day it is also advisable to bring your own pen. But if you forget, no problem. Pens will be available at the voting table and all material will be periodically disinfected. Alcohol gel will also be available for your use at the beginning and end of the voting exercise.

Are all the candidates that appear in the newsletter valid?

No. When voting, remember that the first candidate on the ballot cannot go to the election. This is Lieutenant Colonel Eduardo Baptista, who only has six valid signatures. If you put a cross on the first candidate in the bulletin, the vote will be considered void.

Can someone with a disability ask for help?

Yes. If you need help reading the ballot, someone to help you cross or fold the ballot, you should ask the president for help. If you are blind, you can use the Braille voting matrix. Ask at the table.
