Amendments to the Highway Code effective tomorrow (and with increased fines)


OR value of fines by the use of mobile phone will be doubled, establishing a penalty fee between 250 to 1250 euros.

On the eve of the entry into force of Decree Law 102-B / 2020, the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) argued that the objective new rules is to increase road safety and adopt measures of debureaucratization.

Among the changes, we highlight the aggravation of the fine for the use of mobile phone while driving and driving subtraction three-point driver’s license, instead of the previous two points, “how to drive under the influence of alcohol“, as much as inclusion of drivers of uncharacterized vehicles affections paid passenger transport from a platform electronics (On TV) in the group of drivers subject to the special regime, which you consider under the influence of alcohol driving at a speed equal to or greater than 0.20 grams / l.

In a statement issued today, the ANSR remembered the obligation for tractors driving with a raised safety arch and in service position, provided they are approved with this structure, as well as the use of the belt and other safety devices with which vehicles are equipped, including “special warning lights” (rotating yellow).

OR non-compliance can result in a fine of between 120 and 600 euros.

The amendments also enshrine the ban on parking lot and all the night motorhomes outside authorized locations.

Supervisory powers have been conferred on GNR, to PSP, the Maritime Police and the municipalities of Act off the public highway and areas protected in night situations and parking lot of motorhomes or rolls outside of authorized locations.

It is possible to present the identification documents to the inspection entities through the application

The new measures also cover trotters electric, which are now equated to bicycles when they reach a maximum speed of up to 25 kilometers per hour or a maximum continuous power of up to 0.25 kilowatts.

Those who reach speeds above these limits are subject to fines from 60 to 300 euros, if they circulate without respect respective technical characteristics and applicable traffic regime, that is, they can no longer circulate in bicycle lines and in pedestrian and bikes.

As The security forces and services and the National Highway Safety Authority now communicate through electronics for the purpose of participating counter-ordinance and statistical record.

The revision of the Highway Code also allows a concentration of all categories of vehicles in the driver’s license, allowing the elimination of driver’s licenses. tractors agricultural and forestry machinery on public roads, and the exemption from the lifting of the offense for vehicle drivers on urgent aid or public interest missions.

Notscope of the new measures, drivers will be able to recover driving licenses left to them due to exam tests or behavior training.

The amendments cover four complementary diplomas of the Highway Code, namely, the Regulation of Legal Qualification for Driving and the decree-law that establishes the individual driver record.

The Council of Ministers approved on 27 November the changes to the Highway Code that are now in force.

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