The question about Passos Coelho that silenced André Ventura


For those who know the position of André Ventura, whether in the debates or, for example, in the interventions in Parliament, perhaps he was surprised by a moment that marked the final stretch of the face-to-face with Vitorino Silva, on RTP3.

The single deputy and president of Chega always has an answer to all questions, accusations and indirect questions. But in the debate on Monday there was a question that left him in absolute silence: would it be easier for Chega to get along with the PSD if Pedro Passos Coelho were president, instead of Rui Rio?

After six seconds Ventura replied: “I will not comment on that”.

This observation came after he was asked if he saw Donald Trump as a reference, having answered that he did not and that his references “They are men like Sá Carneiro, like Pope John Paul II”.

“I believe that in the next elections, Chega will play a decisive role”

André Ventura admitted that he does not intend to be a candidate for the next legislatures and that the program of the party he founded is “presidentialist”. Even so, it is still intended to modify the Constitution.

I believe that in the next elections, albeit legislative, Chega will play a decisive role. If you tell me: are you going to win the elections immediately and form a government alone? No. But I believe that, soon, Chega will be fundamental or for a government it will be able to elect a President of the Republic and that will lead to the transformation of the regime ”.

Regarding the fact that he left the PSD and only recently obtained some support from Rui Rio, Ventura said that he will not ally himself with the PS, nor with the Bloco de Esquerda, nor with the PCP to constitute the Government.

On the right, everyone has realized that without Chega and PSD there will be no right-wing majorities in Portugal. Polls show this. (…) Chega and PSD will be the fundamental points of the right in Portugal and, somehow, they will have to create the conditions for a government ”.

Returning to the presidential race, but without leaving the question of the right in Portugal, the president of Chega said that if he got behind Ana Gomes it meant yes. “a bad job and I have to take it as a politician”, highlighting that the main objective is to give a second round with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Marcelo is completely discredited by the right and that favors him a lot. If people on the right go out to vote, as I hope, on the 24th, I think André Ventura will be in the second round with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa ”.

Vitorino: “There are many things in which I agree with André”

Vitorino Silva began by saying that he had more votes than Chega and the Liberal Initiative in the presidential elections five years ago, but that there are several ideas from André Ventura who share the same vision.

There are many things on which I agree with André. (…) when you say that there should be fewer deputies, I also agree. There should not be 230 deputies and I think the deputies (…) and then if the deputies were absent, and they had ten absences, there were 229, 210 and we were able to reach the end of the legislature and we would have 115 deputies ”.

The presidential candidate better known as Tino de Rans criticized the candidates “elite” do not give the people a voice and here comes another moment of agreement.

I agree with what Vitorino said when he says that, in fact, there are candidates who represent the elites and we have some in these elections. From the current President (…) to the candidate Ana Gomes “André Ventura said.

“One eye on the donkey and the other on the donkey. Gypsies are not stupid, they are people

However it was not always so. There were at least two moments in which Vitorino disagreed with Ventura: the cut in social support for the gypsies and the role of the President of the Republic in the removal of ministers.

André Ventura again took up the idea of ​​cutting support for Roma citizens who live on income and increasing law enforcement in this regard.

The inspection must be effective. It cannot be the joke we have, of Mercedes at the door and receiving income ”.

With another point of view, Vitorino said that one should not go against people, but rather bet on inspection.

People often say: one eye on the donkey and the other on the donkey. Gypsies are not stupid, they are people and I like to talk not about ethnicity, but about people ”.

The candidate recalled that there are many Roma citizens who do not have a job because they are not given the opportunity: “it is necessary to level”. He also took the opportunity to guarantee that he will be the president of the Portuguese and not of ethnic groups.

Regarding the instability of the government, more specifically on the possibility of intervening in the eventual dismissal of the current Minister of Justice, Vitorino Silva adopted a different position from Ventura and transferred responsibility to the Prime Minister.

I think every monkey on its branch. I am not a candidate to send any minister, in quotes, to strike. I think António Costa has responsibilities. “
