Republicans keep quiet after audio shows pressure from Trump


A The recording was released on Sunday, at a time when at least 12 senators and a hundred republished legislators wanted to speak out against ratifying Joe’s election victory. Biden in the session of Congress scheduled for Wednesday.

The Washington Post revelation, already known on social media as “#Georgiagate“In reference to the Watergate case, it is causing a political earthquake in the US capital.

Still, most members of the Republican Party remain silent.

In the recording reported by the newspaper, Donald Trump is heard asking Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, the highest electoral authority in the state, which “seeks votes where necessary to annul the victory of Biden“.

At first, Trump praised Raffensperger, of the Republican Party, and then ask you to Act.

Given the refusal, Trump threatened to file a criminal case against Raffensperger and warned him that he was running “a great risk” by not accepting the application.

“The people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry … and I think it’s okay to tell them that their calculations have failed,” Trump is heard saying in the recording broadcast by the Washington Post.

Facing the threat Raffensperger He replied: “Mr. President, the challenge is this: your data is incorrect.”

In the conversation that lasts for more than an hour, the head of state asks directly so that the results are manipulated saying: “Look, what I want is for you to look for 11,780, which is more (vote) than we have, because we won that state (Georgia).”

Trump refers precisely to the number 11,780 because Biden won with 11,779 votes in the state of Georgia, which gives 16 votes in the Electoral College, the Organ in charge of electing the president of the United States.

In Decemberafter two relates of the votes, the Georgian authorities certified the victory of Biden, who was the first Democrat to win the state since 1992, the year Bill Clinton won the presidential election.

The record reflects Trump’s hostility to lobbying key officials in states where Biden won to change the election results.

Without providing evidence, Trump claimed that there was fraud in the elections and filed dozens of complaints, including before the Supreme Court, but did not obtain any. success.

Trump’s last hope is the joint session in Congress on the 6th janeiro, counting the electoral votes of Biden and the inherent confirmation of the results, the last step in the certification of the electoral act that opens the way to the inauguration on the 20th of janeiro.

Over the weekend, prior to the publication of the Washington Post news, support for Donald Trump grew with 12 senators and more than a hundred legislators opposing the ratification of the results.

The strategy is doomed to fail but aims to spark a debate that may last until early Thursday morning.

Among the senators who promoted the initiative is the Texan Ted Cruz, who aspires to be nominated as a Republican candidate in 2024 and wants to build loyal constituencies to Donald Trump.

Vice President Mike Pence, who will preside over the certification ceremony for the victory of Biden, praised the Republicans’ strategy and said he “shares” the same concerns about “electoral fraud,” said a statement from Chief of Staff Marc Short.

The Leader of the Republicans in the Housetimes Representative Kevin McCarthy greenlighted the initiative Sunday, while Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConell, was silent over the weekend, despite having previously been against the initiative.

The strategy also did not appeal to Senator Mitt Romney, a former Republican presidential candidate in 2012, and other prominent members of the Republican Party, such as the former Speaker of the House.times of Representatives, Paul Ryan.

At the moment, the question that arises in Washington is whether the news of the scStop Related to the Trump recording could be a turning point for Republicans to change positions, something that seems unlikely given the US president’s base of support.

Even so, Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger He asked on Sunday, through the social network Twitter, that the party’s bench change position.

On the other hand, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, considered on Sunday that Trump should face a criminal investigation and Democratic congresswoman Alexandria OcasioCortezA progressive symbol in Congress, he said that the head of state’s statements on the recording are enough to reinstate a “new impeachment.”

Today begins the 117th legislature of the United States Congress, with the re-election of the President of thetimes two Representatives Nancy Pelosi, of the Democratic Party, but with the Senate as an unknown because it is not known which party will dominate the Organ after the second round of the elections senatoriais Tuesday in Georgia.

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