Ventura accuses PCP of removing Lenine from the website. Communists show ties to Bolshevik leader


After half an hour of “debate” in which André Ventura and João Ferreira spent almost all the time talking at the same time and exchanging accusations, the war between Chega and the PCP candidates went to the most modern of stages: facebook.

André Ventura’s Chega, which according to Expresso analysts was responsible for most of the disruptions and the guerrilla climate, published this Sunday a Send with the title “Communism is ashamed” in which it divides the time between “Before Ventura” and “After Ventura”.

According to this party, after the debate, the PCP would have site one link which celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lenin, a communist theorist and founder of the Soviet Union. “We have much more to show if necessary, and to make it clear and proven that if someone blatantly lied in last night’s debate on TVI, that someone was certainly not André Ventura,” Chega guarantees.

The Communist Party reacted with the publication of a dossier with the link to the article that Chega says was eliminated and a source of the candidacy explains to Expresso that it only stood out in the site “at the time of the anniversary of Lenine’s birth”, in April 2020, but which remains available in the content of site with other articles like a declaration of the general secretary, Jerónimo de Sousa. “OR flag it’s dynamic and featured content is changing. Lenine’s came out a long time ago, the day of the debate was not changed. “

During the face to face with João Ferreira, after being accused of supporting the National Front, a French extreme right party, André Ventura replied: “A candidate who has on his website and his party that Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam are good referents for the creation of socialist societies, I think by talking about other countries and the leaders with whom I walk. ”And he insisted: “Why did the PCP site the reference to Korea, Cuba and Vietnam? And why can’t João Ferreira, the presidential candidate, condemn countries so close to his party and so close to him, as is the case of North Korea?

João Ferreira challenged Ventura to prove what he was saying, but in the three hours that followed the debate, site the PCP went down. On social media, Ventura later complained that the reference to Lenine had been removed.

Expresso consulted the site of the candidacy of João Ferreira, which is within the sitand the PCP and has no reference to the countries that Ventura spoke about. On the PCP website there are many recent references to the “Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” and criticisms from all countries, such as Portugal, that criticize the Nicolás Maduro regime.

Vietnam and North Korea are mentioned in a 2016 thesis approved by the Central Committee as “an important factor in containing imperialism’s goals of world domination.” However, at the 2020 congress, the party.The PCP stopped defending these dictatorships as countries “on the road to socialism” to refer to “resistant peoples”. According to the Expresso report, Jerónimo de sousa referred to only four countries in the speech: Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile.

In the thesis approved in Loures – the party’s strategic document – the references that had been made in 2016 to North Korea or Laos fell, countries that were presented as “the target of a set of pressure maneuvers” of the so-called imperialist order. than role models.

The blackout of site The PCP is not, at least for now, being investigated by the PJ and Expresso knows that the communists have not filed any complaint.
