TVI / Observer Poll: Ana Gomes increases distance to André Ventura


If the elections were today, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa would continue to win in the first round, since he has 66.5% of the voting intentions, but with a reduction of 1.5 percentage points in relation to to the latest Pythagorean poll for TVI and the Observer, where it had 68%.

Ana Gomes registers an increase and is now at 13% of voting intentions (she had 10.9% in the last poll). He is the runner-up and has increased the distance to André Ventura, who went from 10.7% of voting intentions to now having 10.6%.

Marisa Matias and João Ferreira are going down slightly. The candidate supported by the Left Bloc went from 5.1% to 4.5% and the candidate supported by the PCP went from 3.5% of voting intentions to 2.8%.

Tiago Mayan, for his part, rose seven percentage points: he had 1% of the voting intentions and now he has 1.7%.

Vitorino Silva, the seventh candidate officially confirmed by the Constitutional Court, is in last place, with 0.8% of the voting intentions.

For this survey, the field work was carried out between December 17 and 27, 2020, with 629 telephone interviews, which, for a confidence level of 95.5%, corresponds to a maximum margin of error of ± 4, 0%.

Congratulations from the respondents to Marcelo

The survey shows that Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa is the candidate most trusted by the Portuguese and to whom they attribute various accolades.

For example, 69% of those surveyed consider him the most intelligent of the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic, followed by André Ventura (10%) and Ana Gomes (4%).

Also 64% say that Marcelo is the most competent, followed by Ana Gomes (9%) and André Ventura and Marisa Matias, both with 4%.

The difference is greater when choosing the best prepared candidate: Marcelo stands out with 78%, Ana Gomes is chosen by 5% of those surveyed and André Ventura by 4%.

Which candidate would you ask to keep a winning EuroMillions newsletter?

Almost half of the respondents in this survey answered this question with the option “None” (48%). Marcelo was the option for 35% and Ana Gomes for 5%.

To the question “To whom would you entrust the management of your savings”, 43% of the respondents answered “None”. Marcelo was the option for 35% and Ana Gomes for 7%.

What is the funniest candidate?

The majority (55%) answered Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, but Vitorino Silva stands out in second place (16%). Follow André Ventura, who was the choice for 10% of those surveyed.

Who would you invite for a drink?

46% answered Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, 13% André Ventura, 9% Marisa Matias, 7% Ana Gomes, 4% Vitorino Silva and 2% João Ferreira.

The complete technical file of this survey, as well as all the results, were made available to the Regulatory Body of Social Communication, which will make them available for online consultation in due course.
