Marcelo admits ″ laxism ″ at Christmas and fears ″ gallop ″ of the covid-19 pandemic


The President of the Republic and re-elected to the position admitted, this Sunday, to be “concerned” by the evolution of the pandemic in Portugal, saying that he had the feeling that there was a certain “laxism” in the festive season that could lead to a “gallop” of numbers.

In the debate for the presidential elections on January 24 with candidate Tiago Mayan Gonçalves, supported by the Liberal Initiative, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that “there is again pressure on hospitalizations and intensive care” and reiterated the importance of a state renewal. emergency only for eight days, instead of the usual fifteen, on the eve of the hearing of parties with parliamentary seats.

“Justify why there is a concern about a renewal for eight and then look at the numbers carefully, see if they will not gallop when the Christmas and New Year numbers come around. The feeling I have is that now there was laxity as well.” , especially [pelos números de] today and previous days, and that requires that the next renewal be a renewal attentive to this evolution “, he said.

Asked if he does not exclude the possibility of a wider confinement, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said it was necessary to wait.

“As you know, the idea is to avoid this happening to the limit, but you have to listen to the experts. On the 12th we will listen to them and I am concerned about the latest news, especially in homes, ”he said.
