Democrats bet everything on Georgia controlling the Senate


To control the US Senate, Democrats need to win two seats Tuesday in the second round of elections in Georgia, where they have not elected a senator since 2000, but polls indicate anything is possible.

If Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, Democratic candidates for both Senate seats in Georgia, win a victory on Tuesday, the Democrats will take over the upper house of the United States Congress, where they already control the House of Representatives, giving more leeway. for President-elect Joe Biden’s political strategy.

The polls say that everything is open for the elections on the 5th, on the eve of Biden to see his election confirmed by Congress, but the truth is that the state of Georgia has not been generous with the Democrats and, on the other hand, only that one of the two Republican candidates, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, wins the race for the Conservatives to retain control of the Senate, making life difficult for Joe Biden.

In this second round – which seeks to resolve the impasse of the November 3 elections, since the candidates of the two parties were separated by minimal margins – the Republicans bet everything on the defeat of Jon Ossoff, 33, the youngest and inexperienced among the Democrats, who already lost in votes in the first round, on November 3, and who has a serious problem of electoral notoriety.

However, Ossoff has regained ground in the polls and analysts say that it is enough for him that he can win the 2% of the votes that was for the Libertarian Party candidate in the November elections to overtake Perdue.

On the other hand, Ossoff has already become the senatorial candidate who raised the most money for a campaign (only between October and the end of December he raised more than 100 million euros, being 40 million ahead of Perdue’s budget) and has shown resilience which led several local Republican officials to insist that their candidate show more assertiveness in the electoral battle.

But the two Republican candidates prefer to focus the attacks on Raphael Warnock, pastor of the Atlanta Baptist Church, whom they accuse of devaluing the role of the police in maintaining law and order in the country, limiting themselves to accusing Ossoff of being hostage to the most. to the left of the Democratic Party.

In turn, Democrats say Loefler is nothing more than a “yes man” to outgoing President Donald Trump, and they are campaigning tough against Perdue, saying he was involved in unclear deals that took advantage of the COVID pandemic. -19.

The four candidates have spared no campaign expenses (a total of more than 400 million euros have been spent), trying to show the importance of the final result for the performance of the president-elect: Republicans try to mobilize their voters by drawing attention to the risks of Democrats taking control of the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate; Democrats are trying to show that without Senate control, Biden is unlikely to be able to enforce his election program.

In a recent broadcast time, Joe Biden addressed voters very directly, repeating a message he had already delivered at rallies in which he participated, in the same tone as Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Let me be clear: I need Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the United States SenateBiden said, trying to counter the Republican discourse, which has insisted on the risk of electing two Democratic candidates whom Donald Trump accuses of “true socialists.”

“I am not surprised by the Republican attacks on the socialist character of the Democratic candidates. It was the tactic used by Trump in the presidential race. We will see if it works or if it fails again,” concluded Kelly Gibson, one of the political strategists who collaborates with the Party Democrat.
