The case of the European prosecutor is “deeply unfair”, says the minister – Observer


After the criticisms and resignations in the case of the European prosecutor – and the letter with false curricular information sent by the services of the Ministry of Justice through the Portuguese ambassador to the EU before the Council of the European Union – the Minister of Justice admits three lapses in the services but denies the process of intentions. “What we are dealing with is a deeply unfair blistering of a situation that is strictly transparent,” he said in an interview with RTP News.

Francisca Van Dunem spoke visibly irritated about a “work note” (“it is not a letter”), among “dozens of notes”, sent in November 2019 to the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union, which had “no intention “” Adulterating or overestimating the resume of Attorney José Guerra. “This whole speech is poisoned, this letter is from last year (November 2019), and I have not known about it until now”, said.

Regarding whether or not he can continue in office, Van Dunem left the decision in the hands of António Costa. “Who chooses the government is the prime minister. And the Prime Minister knows that my place is always available. “

The government gave false information to the EU about the name chosen for the European prosecutor

José Guerra was the name chosen by the Superior Council of the Public Ministry for the position of European prosecutor, but the choice did not coincide with the name chosen by the International Selection Committee, which, using common criteria, chose a representative from each country for the position. In the first place, in this contest of experts was Ana Carla Almeida, and not José Guerra. However, in the CSMP national election, Ana Carla Almeida came in third and José Guerra in first. Portugal was one of the only three countries that did not accept the result of the European competition and presented an alternative name, demanding greater competition.

The process, according to Francisca Van Dunem, was “transparent”, since the Superior Council of the Public Ministry is an “independent body”, which made a decision – “and the Government respected that decision.” “The CSMP is independent and says it is the best”, Shooting.

The Minister of Justice rejected, in the same interview with RTP, that the work note sent with curricular “lapses” was decisive for the election of the Council of the European Union. First, because the curriculum of the candidate (of all the candidates) was attached, strictly factually; then, because “none of these lapses is a determining factor in the choice that is made.” And more: “The Council of the EU is not a group of mentally ill people”he said, reinforcing that a body like the EU Council does not make decisions based on these notes.

As for the lapses in question, Van Dunem did not deny them but sought to justify them. First, the services wrote that José Guerra was “assistant attorney general” (when he was not) because “It started from the assumption that it was”; later, they wrote that he had been responsible for the investigation and trial of the UGT case (when it was only on trial) because “the trial is the most important phase of the Portuguese criminal process and it spent a whole year in that trial”; and, regarding the fact that the note says that José Guerra directed section 9 of the DIAP, identifying it as the largest national secretariat for combating economic and financial crime, when in reality it is the DCIAP that investigates the most complex cases of this type of criminality, Van Dunem came out in defense of the services he supervises saying that at the time he directed it, this was actually the structure of the MP that investigated most economic and financial crimes.
