He was at the epicenter of the covid-19 in Wuhan and contracted the virus in Portugal


Soccer coach Miguel Matos was confined to Wuhan at the end of January, when the new coronavirus spread through the Chinese city, and he contracted it in Portugal in September, after changing Hubei Chufeng Heli for Gil Vicente.

After returning to Portuguese soil in early February, on a repatriation flight coordinated by the European authorities, the goalkeeping coach was due to return to China at the end of July, but the invitation made him stay in Portugal, where he would remain. infected, due to the outbreak that, in September, affected 15 people from the Portuguese Football League club, including players, coaches and elements of the football structure.

There is a striking detail, which, at that time, was not a joke: I escaped from the Wuhan virus and was one of the first in Gil Vicente to contract it. I had no symptoms. Positive detected [no teste]. We soon had to go home. It was at that moment that an outbreak appeared. At the end of the 10 days, I retested and it was negative.“he reminds Lusa.

For Miguel Matos, the year that is ending is marked by the change of club, more thinking about the family and professional progression than in “economic terms”, closures and changes in social routines.

“This really changed the lives of all of us and mine completely. When I went on vacation, I would join my brothers and a group of friends several times, to make me miss them. From February until now, I have joined very few Times with them. It’s strange. The social part has changed completely, “he analyzes.

Since the covid-19 pandemic emerged in Portugal in March, the guardian responsible for the goalkeepers has limited outdoor practices, doing only “exercise and walking in hours with few people on the street.”
