Ventura steps forward as leader of the Opposition


Rui Rio continues to be the favorite for the role of the main figure of the Opposition (34%), but a representative of the radical right is rising (29%) and distances himself from Catarina Martins (14%)

André Ventura is one of the figures featured in the Aximage barometer for JN, DN and TSF: 29% now point to him as the main figure of the Opposition. It already overshadows Rui Rio (34%), but that does not mean, however, that the Portuguese like the figure. In fact, coinciding with the rise of the Chega leader, the assessment of the Opposition as a whole returns to negative territory: 40% give a bad mark and only 25% give a positive one.

From November to December, the Opposition falls 22 points for positive reviews and six points for negative reviews. Analyzing the variations by segment, part of the explanation for this change is found: a month ago, the Socialists were the most satisfied with the performance of the Opposition; this month, the balance is already clearly negative (50% give a negative rating and only 25% give a positive rating).

Another curiosity, still at the level of the party segments, is that the balance is now negative in all groups of voters, that is, among all those who prefer the opposition parties. The most critical, that is, those in whom the negative balance is greater, are the PAN voters. The most benevolent are the communist voters (the balance is only negative in two points).

Hitchhiking in the Azores

For those who value the famous idea of ​​”speak well or speak badly, but speak about me”, André Ventura is clearly the man of the moment. A month ago he tied at 20 points with Catarina Martins, now he has nine more, he leaves behind the leader of the Block (16%) and is already biting the heels of Rui Rio, who is only five points away. Perhaps the effects of the trip that the PSD leader gave Chega with the agreement in the Azores and the much debated eventual agreement at the national level, when and if the moment comes.

The only deputy and presidential candidate of Chega is naturally considered the main figure of the Opposition by his own, but he is also the most cited among the voters of the PAN and the Liberal Initiative. Rui Rio is the favorite among Social Democrats (55%), but the proportion of those who point to Ventura is also significant.

Socialists also believe that Rio is the main figure of the Opposition (38%). Catarina Martins only wins among the blockers, while Jerónimo does not achieve that status nor among the communists, who elect the leader of the PSD as the main figure of the Opposition.
