“Saying it was a good year may even look bad …”


The year 2020 was one of Cristina Ferreira’s achievements. The presenter left the SIC to the surprise of many, and embraced a new project in “her” TVI, where she has now returned as a shareholder of Media Capital and as director of fiction and entertainment of the channel that saw her born for television.

The presenter took to Instagram at the end of the day to sum up what this turbulent year 2020 meant to her: “Today ends 2020. It remains for history as a difficult year, of pain, isolation, change in the way we live”, begins by explaining.

“Saying it was a good year may sound like a bad year, but let me say it was a good year. For me it was a deep personal and professional growth “continues the presenter. “In the midst of chaos, I have the best memories of my life. I gained certainties. In options and people. 2020 is the starting point of my story. 🤍 “, Cristina Ferreira concludes in a message of hope for the new year that will begin shortly.

Now go:
