The government admits ″ lapses ″ in the curriculum of the European prosecutor


A letter was sent to the European Council to justify the choice. Ministry of Justice guarantees that it will rectify errors.

A letter with false information was sent to the European Council to justify the appointment of José Guerra as European prosecutor. The Ministry of Justice (MJ) admits the erroneous data but explains that they were “lapses” that in no way interfered with the evaluation and appointment of Portuguese by the Government and the Council. The Government highlights that Guerra was appointed by the Superior Council of the Public Ministry (CSMP) and elected by the Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem, after a hearing in Parliament.

The letter with the erroneous information emanated from the General Directorate of Justice Policy of the MJ and transmitted to the Council by the Permanent Representation of Portugal in the European Union – REPER. The objective would be to highlight data from the candidate’s curriculum and emphasize “support for the decision made by the national jury,” explained the MJ on Thursday, promising to send additional information to correct the “lapses detected.”

Written in Portuguese, the letter features José Guerra six times as assistant attorney general. However, José Guerra was and continues to be only a prosecutor.

The letter contains two other erroneous data, the Ministry also admits. It says that José Guerra directed section 9 of the DIAP, explaining that it is the largest national department to combat economic and financial crime, when, in fact, the DCIAP deals with these complex cases, where Guerra never worked.

Another of the inaccuracies is the allegation that the prosecutor directed the investigation and elaborated the accusation in the UGT case, the largest case of fraud in community funds. However, the prosecutor only took up the case at the trial stage.

For SIC, José Guerra assured that he had no responsibility in the preparation of the letter and ensures that incorrect information does not add or take anything away from his resume.

Explanations required

The PSD requested the urgent hearing of the Minister of Justice in Parliament. In the early hours of this Thursday, through Twitter, the party’s president, Rui Rio, had already demanded clarification from Van Dunem about the news that the Ministry “will have falsified the curriculum” to justify an appointment to a European body “that it aims precisely to combat corruption ”.

In the afternoon, the leader of the CDS, Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos, also went to demand explanations from the Government, “here and in the EU”, about a case that “if the truth of the facts is confirmed, any civilized country is ashamed “.

The jury preferred another

An international panel of 12 elements considered prosecutor Ana Carla Almeida as the best candidate for the position. The suggestion was not binding and the Government chose to force the nomination of José Guerra, who was the highest ranked in the CSMP evaluation.

Complaint in Europe

The lawyer Ana Carla Almeida did not accept the fact that she was ignored and filed a complaint with the European Ombudsman.
