Boris Johnson’s father plans to become a French citizen and maintain ties with the EU – Europe


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s father revealed on Thursday (December 31) that he plans to become a French citizen, so as not to sever his ties with the European Union after Brexit.

Stanley Johnson, a former member of the European Parliament, voted against the UK’s departure from the EU in 2016 and now plans to obtain dual citizenship and become French, according to Reuters.

“As far as I know, I am French. My mother was born in France, and her mother was totally French, as was my grandfather. So, for me, it’s about recovering something that is already mine by right, which makes Me very happy “Johnson told RTL radio, also ensuring that he can speak the French language fluently.

“I will always be European, it is true. Nobody can tell the British that they are not European, however having a link with the European Union is important to me,” added the prime minister’s father, who turned 80 this year.

However, Boris is not on the same side as his father in this fight that ends with the arrival of the new year, having faced in 2016 the campaign that aimed to remove the United Kingdom from its alliance since 1973. “We will flourish strongly. as an independent nation, outside an excessively bureaucratic EU ”, defended the current British Prime Minister.

However, on Wednesday Boris approved a new trade agreement with the EU and left a reconciliation note in which he guaranteed that “the United Kingdom will not cease to be a European country. In many ways, we represent European civilization and that is why we will continue” . “Reuters notes.
