The government updates the measures applicable to air traffic to and from Portugal – News


In a note sent to the editors, the Ministry of Internal Administration informs that there are two additional measures to those already registered for air traffic:

The order, signed by the Ministers of State and Foreign Relations, National Defense, Interior, Health and Infrastructure and Housing, introduces the following changes, in relation to the previous ones:

  • OR United Kingdom is considered a “third country” from January 1 and, as such, it is covered by the regulations provided for these countries, allowing only essential travel for professional, study, family reunion, health or humanitarian reasons, in addition to, of course, travel by EU citizens. nationals of States associated with the Schengen area and members of their families, and nationals of third countries with legal residence in Portugal;
  • As children up to 24 months of age are excluded from mandatory laboratory testing to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection, according to the technical recommendations of the European Union agencies.

The previously adopted measures:

  • Passengers to and from Portugal on all flights to and from countries that are not part of the European Union or that are not countries associated with the Schengen Area, must present, before boarding, lab test test (RT-PCR) for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 infection, with a negative result, carried out within the 72 hours prior to the time of shipment;
  • the citizens who fail to comply with the duty to accredit test, with negative result, They are sent by the competent authorities, upon arrival in the national territory, to carry out said test on their own account, at their own location within the airport in a service provided by ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal, SA, through qualified healthcare professionals;
  • the Citizens who refuse to take the test upon arrival in the national territory are immediately notified by the Immigration and Border Service. carry out the same within 48 hours, on their own, and that they may incur the crimes of disobedience and spread of contagious diseases, communicating this notification to the health authorities and the territorial security force of the area of ​​their residence;
  • Citizens and the airline should remember that the rule is to have proof of proofand, with a negative result, carried out at source. The possibility of taking a test on arrival is intended to ensure that no national citizen or resident of Portugal is prevented from entering the country;
  • the fines to airlines that allow the boarding of any citizen, even national or resident in Portugal, without a negative test within 72 hours. The only exception to the application of this fine refers to the departure of nationals or residents in Portugal from flights originating in African countries whose official language is Portuguese and on flights to support the return of nationals or holders of residence permits in Portugal or humanitarian nature;
  • Keep it up Air traffic is authorized for all flights to and from countries belonging to the European Union and countries associated with the Schengen area. (Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland);
  • They are also Flights to and from countries and special administrative regions are authorized. with epidemiological situation according to Council Recommendation (EU) 2020/1551 of October 22, 2020: Australia, China, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, Thailand, Uruguay, Hong Kong and Macao.