Nurse tests positive one week after being vaccinated


A week after taking the first dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine on December 18, a 45-year-old American nurse tested positive for COVID-19, Jornal de Notícias reports today.

According to the same source, the health professional did not have any side effects, except a slight pain in the arm, but now he has mild symptoms of the disease. The nurse works in the emergency room of two different hospitals, however, after a shift on Christmas Eve, in a covid-19 unit, he began to experience some mild symptoms, such as muscle pain, chills and fatigue. After two days he took the test and came back positive, ABC News reported, cited by JN.

According to infectious disease specialist Christian Ramers, this type of situation is to be expected, especially for those who work exposed to the virus. According to the specialist, it is likely that the nurse was already infected, before taking the vaccine, since the incubation period of the virus can last up to two weeks. However, the doctor did not rule out the possibility that Matthew contracted the disease after taking it.
