The nurse João Silva was the first to be vaccinated at the Viana Hospital


The City Council of Viana do Castelo today unanimously approved a protocol that provides for the purchase of land in the Neiva industrial estate and subsequent sale of part to Uchiyama to expand the factory with 24 years.

“The Chamber has, at this time, identified almost 100,000 square meters for acquisition. The proposal presented by Uchiyama implies the purchase of an additional 30 thousand square meters, doubling the surface it currently has ”, explained the councilor for the Economic Development area, Luís Nobre.

Speaking to journalists at the end of the last council meeting in 2020, Luís Nobre said that the cooperation protocol approved today is the result of the “intention” of the Japanese group to “consolidate” its industrial project in the municipality.

“It is evidence of the consolidation of an industrial project that has been installed for 24 years in the second phase of the São Romão do Neiva industrial zone,” he said.

“Collaboration in the acquisition of land in the vicinity of the current industrial unit will allow conditions for the expansion of the factory and the export platform that represents more than 90% of its production of seals, bearings and gaskets for the automotive industry and for the European market or for the Japanese ”, he reinforced.

According to Luís Nobre, the total area of ​​land to be acquired by the municipality will be greater than the needs of the Japanese company, and the remaining lots will guarantee the requalification of the Neiva industrial estate.

“The Chamber has, at this time, identified almost 100,000 square meters for acquisition. Uchiyama wants 30 thousand square meters. The rest will be used to grow the industrial zone. The new project of the Japanese group consolidates the intention of the local authority to requalify the industrial zone ”, he specified.

According to the cooperation protocol approved today, “Uchiyama Portugal undertakes to settle 90% of the amount of 28,000.00 euros with the municipality of Viana do Castelo, to carry out the acquisition” of two installments, “so that the municipality you can proceed to the acquisition of the rest ”.

The company must also “settle, within 10 days, the amount corresponding to the advance of 30% of the value of the acquisition of future installments and the amounts corresponding to each deed (the remaining 70%)”.

The protocol is signed for a period of one year, counting from the date of its signature.

Uchiyama Portugal – Vedantes, Lda, which since 1996 has been installed in the Neiva Industrial Zone – 2nd phase, occupying an area of ​​approximately 30 thousand square meters after two extensions of the industrial estate that involved an investment of 15 million euros, currently has with 323 workers.

The main objectives of the company are to train staff, stabilize production and move the purchase of raw materials from Japan to the European and / or Portuguese market. In 2012 it expanded the industrial building (Phase II) and, in 2014, it already had approximately 300 employees.

Uchiyama Portugal belongs to the Japanese group Uchiyama Manufacturing Corporation (UMC). Founded in 1898, UMC specializes in the production of bearing seals and gaskets for the automotive sector, bottle and capsule seals, as well as construction and packaging materials.
