Marcelo promulgates Budget but leaves splinters – State Budget


The President of the Republic promulgated the State Budget for 2021 (OE2021), as well as the Great Options of the Plan, indicates a note released this Tuesday afternoon on the website of the Presidency.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa leaves some “repairs” to the document, considering that the Budget presents “limitations to a greater social emphasis “, does not accept” some commercial claims “and includes” programmatic solutions “.

In the note you can read that the Head of State decided to enact OE2021 taking into account the “adoption of relevant measures in areas such as the health and income of those most sacrificed and, above all, the obvious importance of the Portuguese having a budget”. of State on January 1, 2021 “.

Marcelo underlines that the existence of an EO as of January 1 acquires greater importance “given the urgency of combating the pandemic and its community effects, as well as the adequate receipt of European aid, namely the Recovery and Resilience Plan” .

Even so, it lists some aspects that it considers less positive: “the limitations to a greater social emphasis, the renewed non-acceptance of some business claims and the existence of programmatic solutions, on the border of the delimitation of administrative competences.”

This last expression, although not explicitly, refers to one of the most controversial points in the budget process: the cancellation of the transfer of 476 million euros from the Resolution Fund to Novo Banco.

Initially registered in the Budget proposal presented by the Government, the measure would be repealed in the specialty thanks to a BE proposal that had the favorable votes of PSD, PCP, PEV, Chega and the independent deputy Joacine Katar Moreira.

In addition, the note states that the president also enacted the Great Plan Options for 2021.
