Novo Banco survey: PS requests 63 hearings, including Vieira and Fosun


The president of Benfica had already been “summoned” by the Bloco de Esquerda.

The vice president of the PS Parliamentary Group, João Paulo Correia, defended this Tuesday that the Novo Banco investigation commission must answer “seven key questions” and that is why the party requested a total of 63 hearings.

The list of personalities or entities that the Socialist deputies intend to hear in parliament includes the names of the president of Benfica, Luís Filipe Vieira, included in the list of the “10 largest debtors”, and also that of the current governor of the Bank of Portugal ( BdP) and the former Minister of Finance, Mário Centeno.

“The PS requires 63 hearings and extensive documentation from certain entities, such as the European Commission, the European Central Bank, BdP, Novo Banco and the Government itself, which pursue a greater objective: defend the public interest and taxpayers and know the truth ”Said the PS deputy, speaking with Lusa.

One of the referred “key questions”, for the PS, is to know if “there was any deal in favor of a large debtor in the restructuring of their credits” and hence the justification for the call of those responsible for the Promovalor group: Luís Filipe Vieira, José Gouveia, Manuel Almerindo Duarte and Nuno Gaioso Ribeiro.

“Why didn’t a group of problematic assets stay in BES and go to Novo Banco, with state aid? Why did BdP and the PSD / CDS-PP Government choose not to sell Novo Banco in 2015? How much did it cost to the taxpayers, and the Portuguese Republic that decision? Why the sale of Novo Banco in 2017 to the detriment of the liquidation? What are the European impositions in the contract of sale? Did the disposal of credit or real estate assets obeyed the rules of transparency and rigor of management ?, are the remaining questions that the Socialists want answered.

Fosun, a Chinese company that is also the majority shareholder of the English club Wolverhampton, is another of the hearings requested by the PS. In this case, as João Paulo Correia explained to Business, at stake is the need to better understand “one of the key moments in the life of Novo Banco that has to do with the sale that failed in 2015”.

On Monday the deadline for parliamentary groups to submit requests with the list of documents they wish to access and the hearings to request, within the scope of the Novo Banco investigation commission, ended.

The president of the commission, Fernando Negrão, said that until January 6, the lists of documents and entities to be heard will be distributed to all parties and requested that these deadlines be met so that the commission can function “with the necessary rhythm. “.

The commission “must operate for the shortest period that allows it to achieve its objectives, not exceeding 120 days”, and has four points in its object.

The four points cover the “period prior to the resolution and relative to the constitution of the NB [Novo Banco]”, the” period before and related to the sale “, the” period after the sale “and still intends to” evaluate the performance of governments, BoP [Banco de Portugal], FdR [Fundo de Resolução] and Monitoring Committee within the framework of the defense of the public interest ”.
