Selfies, humor and some nerves in Curry Cabral. Fear of the vaccine? “He who is afraid does not come to this profession” – Observer


Next to it, also holding the cell phone, was nurse Carolina, 24, who arrived at Curry Cabral in September, having previously been to the Lusíadas Hospital emergency room. “The beginning was scary, but I never got infected or missed my family,” he says. Now he seems calm, although he has some doubts about the vaccine, a sentiment shared by other colleagues. “It can have side effects, it’s an uncomfortable situation. But we have to set an example and create group immunity, otherwise this will never end. ” When the testimony ended, it remained to be seen if the “side effect” of the other healthcare professional’s hair growth had worn off. “I can get you a razor, if you want,” joked the nurse in charge of accompanying the vaccinated. There were no haircuts or other side effects of vaccination, the most serious, recorded by the Observer.

Although in a low tone, a bit unsure, like someone who does not want to be heard in line, Sandra Coimbra, a 49-year-old nephrology technical assistant, also confirms some nervousness about the vaccine produced by BioNTech / Pfizer, the first to arrive in Portugal. “I am a little nervous, yes, because of the ignorance. The truth is that the scientific community has come together. Only there are skeptical doctors, because everything was very fast, “he argues.

His work, more linked to kidney transplantation, has also undergone changes: temperature measurements, analysis, PCR tests. That is, as soon as there is a patient with a high fever, they must be referred to find out if they are infected. Obstacles that, although resolved, can hinder the success of this area of ​​medicine, which implies “a lot of emotional distress.” “But now it doesn’t confuse me anymore, I have an open mind,” he concludes.
