“I wish the first ones were nurses”


Ain Rita Cavaco, bastonary of the Order of Nurses, confessed this Sunday that he would have liked the nurses to have been the first health professionals to receive the vaccine against COVID-19-19.

“I would like the first [a serem vacinados contra o novo coronavírus] They had been nurses, even because of the symbolism because they are the ones who are 24 hours a day and are physically closest to the patients. But, I realize that priority has been given to directors services, we are in Portugal ”, said the person in charge of professional order, in statements to TVI24.

Ana Rita Cavaco also took the opportunity to reiterate that vaccines against COVID-19-19 are safe and the population should not be afraid to take them. In this sense, bastonary He mentioned that he authorized the vaccination of his mother, who is in a health unit.

“Vaccines are one of the safest things in the world and in Portugal they have been administered by nurses since 1965,” he stressed.

Along with most of the European Union countries, vaccination against COVID-19-19. This vaccination campaign is a action which will be developed gradually and whose first phase will focus on the most vulnerable people, the elderly or health professionals, especially exposed to the new virus.

A bastonary de la Ordem dos Diseiros was present the day the campaign began at the Hospital and University Center of Coimbra.

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