New strain of British virus detected in Madeira – DNOTICIAS.PT


“After the genetic analysis requested by the Regional Health Directorate from the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge for a sample of some positive cases detected in the AMR, the presence of the new strain of the virus from the United Kingdom in Madeira was confirmed”, he concludes to inform. the Regional Secretariat of Health and Civil Protection in a note sent to the press.

The new strain of SARS – CoV-2 was detected in travelers arriving in Madeira from the UK.

This identification was only possible thanks to the work carried out by the Madeira International Airport Screening Center, which allows the monitoring, identification and referral for the isolation of positive cases, when they are detected, explains the same note.

The secretariat mentions that the regional strategy for the detection and control of the covid-19 pandemic “is maintained”, based “on the surveillance of passengers and on compliance with the guidelines issued by health authorities, thus reducing the risk of contagion due to coronaviruses in the Region “.

The regional authorities reinforce once again the importance of compliance with the Health guidelines at this festive time.

It is important to celebrate the party at home, but safely ”.

The new strain of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus identified in the United Kingdom, presented as the most contagious and which is causing concern to the world, is already circulating in several countries and territories, within and outside Europe.

After the identification of this new variant of SARS-CoV-2, several countries, inside and outside Europe, decided to suspend connections, specifically air, with the United Kingdom, a list that has been growing in recent hours.

The British strain of the virus has also been detected, at least in Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain and Japan.

A large part of the European Union (EU) today began vaccination against covid-19 on Sunday, in an action that will be developed gradually and whose first phase will focus on the most vulnerable people, the elderly or health professionals especially exposed to infections.

In Portugal, the General Directorate of Health affirmed that the first vaccines against the new coronavirus must maintain at least some effectiveness against the new most contagious variant in the United Kingdom.
