The director of the Casa de la Salud does not know the source of the contagion of the first patient


Yolanda chaves

The director of the São João de Deus Health House told JM that he does not know the origin of the infection of the first patient of the institution infected with covid-19.

Eduardo Lemos told the newspaper that the 80-year-old patient went to the hospital with flu symptoms and there she was tested for covid-19, revealing to be a positive case.

The rest of the patients and professionals of the institution were immediately tested, and today 16 are known to be infected. Of these, 13 are users and three are assistants. Doctors and nurses tested negative.

The first patient is admitted to the Covid-19 Polyvalent Unit, at the Central Hospital of Funchal.

Recalling that the visits are suspended, and that they were previously taking place “with physical separation”, through an acrylic barrier, the director said that he did not know how the virus was contracted while the epidemiological study is being carried out, in coordination between the Casa de Saúde and the regional health authority.
