SIC News | Portugal with 63 more deaths and 1,577 cases of covid-19 in the last 24 hours


This Sunday Portugal records another 63 deaths related to covid-19 and 1,577 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the General Directorate of Health (DGS) bulletin.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 6,619 deaths and 394,573 cases of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with 1,561 less active cases this Sunday, for a total of 68,208.

Regarding hospital admissions, the epidemiological bulletin of the DGS reveals that 2,870 patients are hospitalized, 80 more in relation to Saturday, of which 504 are in intensive care, nine less than the previous day.

The health authorities have 92,069 contacts under surveillance, 1,751 additional in relation to Saturday.

The bulletin also reveals that 3,075 cases were reported to have been recovered. Since the beginning of the epidemic in Portugal in March, 319,746 people have recovered.

Data by region

Regarding the 63 deaths registered in the last 24 hours, 24 occurred in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, 23 in the North region, 11 in the Center region, four in Alentejo and one in Madeira.

Also according to the DGS bulletin, the North region was the one that registered the highest number of new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the last 24 hours (717).

Since the start of the pandemic, the northern region has registered 202,585 cases of infection and 3,083 deaths. In the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, 464 new infections have been reported, with 127,177 cases and 2,299 deaths so far. In the Central region there were 279 more cases, with 44,319 infections and 945 deaths. In Alentejo, 32 more cases were reported, totaling 10,245 infections and 194 deaths since the start of the epidemic in Portugal. The Algarve region has reported 38 new cases today, adding 7,112 infections and 65 deaths.

Madeira registered 37 new cases. This autonomous community has 1,442 infections and 12 deaths from covid-19. In the Autonomous Region of the Azores, 10 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours, totaling 1,693 infections and 21 deaths.

Data by sex and age group

Confirmed cases are distributed in all age groups, with the highest number of infections between 20 and 59 years.

The new coronavirus has already infected at least 177,351 men and 217,084 women in Portugal, according to DGS data, according to which there are 138 cases of unknown sex, which are under investigation, since these data are not provided automatically.

Of the total number of fatalities, 3,444 were men and 3,175 women. The highest number of deaths continues to be concentrated in the elderly over 80 years of age, followed by people between 70 and 79 years of age.

More than 80 million cases worldwide

More than 80 million cases of infection by the new coronavirus, including 1.76 million deaths, have been recorded worldwide since the pandemic began a year ago, according to an AFP tally.

According to the data provided by the health authorities to AFP at 08:00 GMT (same time in Lisbon), a total of 80,145,185 cases and 1,756,060 deaths were registered. Last week, an average of 580,000 cases were counted per day.

Europe is the worst affected region in the world. On Friday it surpassed the 25 million mark, with 546,000 deaths.

Vaccination in Portugal has already started

In the largest hospital in the country, the first vaccine was administered to internist Sandra Braz

Almost 4 thousand health professionals from Porto hospitals receive vaccines

60 health professionals are vaccinated against covid every hour in Coimbra

