Vaccines against Covid-19 will be administered in homes from January, announces Marta Temido – Jornal Económico


The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, announced this Sunday that the vaccination process in residential structures for the elderly will begin in January, in statements made at the São João Hospital, in Porto, at the ceremony that marked the administration of the first vaccine. In Portugal.

“We estimate that in these weeks of January, when we will receive more vaccines, we will pass the vaccination process to professionals in residential structures for the elderly and residents of those structures. We have this advanced work to identify all these structures, where outbreaks are occurring (where vaccination will not be indicated) and to identify the professionals who will administer the vaccines, ”explained the Minister of Health.

Portugal began the vaccination process against Covid-19 this Sunday morning, approximately seven minutes after 10:00. The first drug developed by Pfizer / BioNTech was administered to António Sarmento, at the São João Hospital Center (Porto), by nurse Ana Isabel Ribeiro, who will also receive the vaccine today.

Regarding the 70,200 vaccines that will arrive in Portugal this Monday, Marta Temido stressed that 9,750 vaccines will go to the Azores, 9,750 vaccines will go to Madeira, a part will be for the second intake of these 9,750 doses that were administered from Sunday. “There will be 40,000 vaccines left, of which we will reserve half,” said the minister.

“Moment full of symbolism”

In statements to journalists, Marta Temido defined this day as “a moment full of symbolism, which symbolizes the ability we had to work together.” The official considers that “health professionals from the SNS and from other sectors have been collaborating for many months in order to guarantee the best care and assistance to those most in need, both infected by Covid-19 and suspected of having contracted this disease. disease”.

The Minister of Health highlighted, on the other hand, “the ability that these same professionals have had to work together during the last hours. I am grateful to all who made this intense effort possible to put these health professionals to the test. “
