Portugal begins the vaccination process against Covid-19. The first vaccine has been administered – O Jornal Economico


Portugal began the vaccination process against Covid-19 this Sunday morning, approximately seven minutes after 10:00. The first drug developed by Pfizer / BioNTech was administered to António Sarmento, at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João (Porto), by nurse Ana Isabel Ribeiro, who will also receive the vaccine today.

Professor António Sarmento is 65 years old and is director of the infectious diseases service at Hospital de São João, the first hospital unit in Portugal to receive patients infected by the new coronavirus.

“I am absolutely comfortable with the vaccine, but not with all this device [dos meios de comunicação social]. That makes me suffer a lot, the vaccine doesn’t. I am absolutely sure, optimistic, hopeful and like any other citizen: I will never flee from the vaccine, but I did not run after it either. When my turn came… And it came ”, he began by telling the press.

“It is clear that the risk is not zero, but it is not zero for any new drug or vaccine that may be developed. All had study phases, phase one, two, three trials and then they were commercialized and expanded to Humanity ”, highlighted the health professional.

The doctor and professor António Sarmento said that the latest clinical trials of the North American drug, involving 44,000 people, showed that “the reactions, both local and systemic, are absolutely similar to those of other viral vaccines.”

The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, follows the historical moment. Then, it is transferred to the University Hospital Center of Porto and the University Hospital Center of Coimbra.

The first dose of vaccines (9,750 units) arrived yesterday in Portugal, but as Pfizer anticipated the distribution schedule, the country will receive a second dose of 70,200 units.

“It means that this December we will have an arrival of this new Pfizer vaccine that reaches 79,950 doses, divided into these two deliveries,” said Marta Temido, at a press conference. “As far as we know at this time, the total number of vaccinations in the first quarter will not change,” the minister said on Wednesday.

News updated at 10:24
