Beijing with ″ serious and complicated ″ situation


The Beijing Municipal Health Commission on Saturday considered the situation of prevention and control of the pandemic in the capital as “serious and complicated” after six new cases were detected in recent days.

This commission also discourages travel outside the capital, unless necessary, during the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations, which fall this year on February 12.

Health officials said two new confirmed cases were detected in the northeastern capital of Shunyi district on Friday.

One case is that of a 31-year-old woman from Hebei Province who works at a convenience store that sells fresh and frozen food in Zhangxizhuang Village, Beijing District.

The other case involves a 29-year-old woman from the northeastern province of Liaoning, who now lives in Shunyi district and works for an American technology multinational.

The commission said epidemiological investigations have been carried out on these two cases and the necessary control measures have been implemented.

An asymptomatic case of an Asian Airlines employee based in Beijing, who was returning from South Korea and who had previously spent two weeks in quarantine, was also detected on Friday.

These cases are added to another detected last Thursday by an employee of a hotel in the central district of Xicheng, where Zhongnanhai, the seat of the Chinese government, is located, and which has led to tests on all restaurant and cold chain workers in that area, with 1.5 million inhabitants.

The Beijing government has urged companies not to organize business trips outside the capital and has also recommended that citizens not leave the city during the Lunar New Year festivities, as well as schools and businesses to schedule their vacations.

The city’s deputy mayor Chen Bei said that Beijing will review regulations for holding events and will not host large gatherings, such as sporting or cultural events.

Cinemas, bookstores, museums and entertainment venues will need to operate at 75% capacity, said Chen, who also urged railways, airlines, airports and stations to strictly implement disinfection measures and temperature controls.
