Mação | Covid-19 outbreak affects 60 people at the home of Santa Casa da Misericórdia


Today there are a total of 60 infected people, among users and employees, in an outbreak detected in the home of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mação and that affected 14 employees, the number of daily cases recorded by the health authority in the epidemiological bulletin of the Tuesday. December 22. With the consequent tests of all the users and employees of Santa Casa da Misericórdia, the results were announced on the night of Thursday 24, and were made public by the provider of Santa Casa, Francisco Corga.


In a note published on the website of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mação, the provider reported the evolution of the process in an institution that has 130 users, whose average age is around 89 years old and employs 90 workers. The Hermandad de la Misericórdia de Mação, in addition to the Residential Structure for the Elderly, provides users with social responses from the Home and Temporary Housing Support Center (CAT).

“Dear users, family members and employees, as you know, we have already experienced some shocks in these last months of the pandemic. This time we were not lucky enough to do the previous ones and the virus entered us without even realizing it or being able to do anything. We have around 60 users and employees infected with Covid-19 so far, ”said the provider.

“I leave you on my behalf and on behalf of the Administrative Bureau a few words of support and consolation, which together with the Health Delegate of the Middle Tagus region, Social Security and the Municipality of Mação are at the forefront of implementing the measures necessary and possible so that we can fight the best and as soon as possible this pandemic that invaded us ”, Francisco José Corga concluded.


The outbreak was confirmed by Mayor Vasco Estrela, president of CM Mação, during the Chamber session on Wednesday 23rd, who said that the Chamber “has been closely monitoring this situation. The Health Authority contacted us to inform us and request a follow-up. Tomorrow an emergency meeting should be held to define some things that may have to be defined, according to the tests carried out today and Thursday morning, and that Santa Casa da Misericórdia managed to do them ”.

The mayor said that “the situation is already serious and something more serious could happen,” he fears, due to the evidence left by “dozens of active surveillance.”

“Let’s see what they can configure,” he said.

Audio: Vasco Estrela, president of CM Mação, confirms the unpredictable and somewhat serious outbreak that affected Santa Casa da Misericórdia, fearing that it could evolve with the results of the detection tests

Vasco Estrela admitted that it is an unpredictable situation. “When things seemed to be relatively well and under control, this is an outbreak that is worrisome but that, I hope, can be contained in the exact place where it arose,” he says.

Despite this scenario, Vasco Estrela said that there must be “some calm and serenity, and not be looking at the worst and the terror that may happen. I think it is not the best way to solve problems, to start panic ”.

The tests at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mação have already begun to detect the situation among users, since the outbreak with 14 confirmed cases of covid-19 reported only to employees. Photo: José Coelho / LUSA

“Caution, chicken broths and common sense, we must all have and we must all do our best to help the institution get through this difficult time. We hope it stays here, but we all have to be aware, given the size and number of cases already detected, it is normal for something else to happen, which will put our municipality in a very complicated situation ”, he argued.

Vasco Estrela also left a “word of encouragement to the institution” that has done “an extraordinary job, like other institutions in the municipality, to control this pandemic within its physical borders” in recent months. “I hope things go well. On the part of CM Mação, there will be all the availability to collaborate on the essentials ”, says the mayor.

This happens before the municipality of Mação descends from high risk to moderate risk of contagion starting at midnight on December 24, Christmas Eve, and according to the mayor, this “will no longer reflect what the current risk is, but it is what we have “.

“In 15 days I hope that this phase is finished and it has not been anything extraordinary, and probably at that time it will be reassessed and the measures will increase and harden. But it is part of the dynamics of things and we cannot change them ”, admits the mayor.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mação has 130 users whose average age is around 89 years old and employs 90 workers. The Hermandad de la Misericórdia de Mação, in addition to the Residential Structure for the Elderly, provides users with social responses from the Center for Home Support and Temporary Accommodation (CAT).
