Gratitude, solidarity and hope. Christmas message from António Costa


“We are experiencing the greatest challenge of our lives. 2020 has been a year of combat, pain and resistance “. Thus began the Prime Minister’s Christmas message to the Portuguese, to whom he wanted to leave a message of “gratitude, solidarity and hope.”

Highlighting that Covid-19 has come to transform “our lives completely”, the Head of Government recognized the “capacity for adaptation and sacrifice” of citizens, without whom he would not have been successful in containing the new coronavirus.

“And so It’s so important that until the pandemic ends, we all continue to play by the rules and adopt behaviors that, as we know, are decisive for saving lives, ”appealed António Costa.

The prime minister especially thanked the care providers, such as homeworkers or military personnel of the Armed Forces, as well as the scientific community and teachers, “who never abandoned their students”, even when schools closed.

More or The greatest thanks from António Costa to health professionals, “What day and what night they do their best to treat the sick, so many times with the sacrifice of breaks, rest time and contact with their own family.

The head of the Portuguese Government also wanted to leave a word of solidarity to all the families who lost their loved ones due to Covid-19. For those who currently have sick family members, António Costa wishes a speedy recovery.

“It is a warm and fraternal hug to all the families, because none of them could unite as always, and in all our homes this Christmas had to be celebrated in a different way.”

Leader don’t forget who else suffered the “serious economic and social consequences of this pandemic”. “I am well aware of the harshness of many of the measures we had to take throughout this year, limiting freedoms, prohibiting activities or postponing life projects, defending public health, containing the transmission of the virus, guaranteeing response capacity. health services. , save lives, “he declared.

Highlighting the “awareness of the profound impact of these measures in the lives of all of us”, the Prime Minister explains that “the Government has tried to respond in the best way, with balance and common sense”, to this pandemic crisis.

We certainly didn’t do everything right and made mistakes, because only those who don’t make mistakes. But we have not bargained, and we are not going to bargain, with our resources and with the European Union, to fight the pandemic and alleviate the suffering of the Portuguese ”, he guaranteed.

The last message from António Costa was one of “hope.” “A new year is coming. The day after tomorrow the vaccination process against Covid-19 begins, which, although it is a staggered and prolonged process, gives us renewed confidence that, thanks to science, it is even possible to overcome this pandemic ”, he emphasized.

To overcome the start of a sustained recovery, Portugal can count, during the next year, “on the reinforced solidarity of the European Union”assured the Prime Minister, adding that “a strategic vision for the future of Portugal has been defined and now we have the means to achieve it.

“Therefore, it is with gratitude, solidarity and hope that I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a promising year 2021. I can assure you that, at this difficult and demanding time, it is a great honor for me to be here at your service. At the service of Portugal ”, concluded the prime minister in his Christmas message.
