Calls to SNS24. UK to US with trial only


OR The new State of Emergency came into effect at 00:00 hours yesterday Thursday, and until Saturday 26 there is a certain change in the restrictions applied by the pandemic, without prohibition of circulation between municipalities and with curfews only between 2 am and 5 am on Christmas Day. See here everything you can or cannot do this Christmas season

the latest data published by Direction-General Health reports more than 70 deaths and 4,378 new cases. Since the beginning of pandemic, 6,413 have already been counted in Portugal Deceased and 387,636 cases of the disease. Regarding the number of recovered, more than 4,087 were counted in 24 hours, for a total of 312,533.

See the evolution of pandemic of coronavirus in Portugal and in the world

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19:

09h46 – A GNR This Christmas period visited more than 3,100 elderly people who live alone and spent Christmas alone, in a campaign that aimed to reduce their social isolation in a time of pandemic, was announced today. The campaign, promoted by the Criminal Prevention and Community Surveillance sections, ran from 6 p.m. to yesterday and the number of older people who spent Christmas alone is more concentrated in the districts of Viseu, Vila Real, Leiria and Viana do Castelo.

09h43 – No Brazil, a economy, strongly affected through pandemic of COVID-19-19, has managed to “recover quickly”, despite being an incomplete and uneven improvement, a former formerdirector international affairs of the country’s Central Bank. On a balance sheet, the denialism of the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, versus pandemic of COVID-19-19, along with the environmental crisis, motivated by records in fires and in deforestation of the Amazon and the Pantanal, marked the year 2020 in Brazil.

09h42 – Controlo gives COVID-19-19 in Macau contrasts with economic failure. The year that is now ending is marked in Macau by the success of the containment of the pandemic, but with unprecedented economic costs for the territory, who still mourned the death of the ‘father’ of casinos, Stanley Ho. Macau, where there have been 46 infections with the virus COVID-19-19, but it has not registered new cases for more than five months, it is practically closed to the rest of the world in its approximately 30 square kilometers, under strong border control

09h41 – A Russia recorded 563 deaths from COVID-19-19 in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 53,659 and 29,018 more positive cases of the new coronavirus, according to the country’s health authorities. According to official data, the total number of cases since pandemic is now 2,992,706. Moscow, with almost 13 million inhabitants and the main focus of infection in the country, added 7,315 new positive cases and 74 deaths from COVID-19-19.

09h13 – A Germany recorded another 412 deaths due to COVID-19-19 in the last 24 hours and 25,533 new infections, about 8,200 less than the maximum of 33,777 registered last Friday, according to official data. According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of positive cases since the first infection was notified in the country at the end of janeiro, amounts to 1,612,648, with 29,182 deaths. According to estimates by the RKI, 1,206,200 people will have recovered and the number of cases active is approximately 377,300.

09h11 – OR The President of the Republic left a Christmas message in which he calls for a “broad consensus” and “to strengthen social cohesion” to face the pandemic economic and social situation that will dominate in 2021, when pandemic “if it’s fading”. In the Christmas message, disseminated through the Jornal de Notícias, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa talks about the challenges the country is experiencing and those it has to face in 2021, stating that “there is and should be another look at Christmas 2020”, the which implies a medium-term vision.

08h46 – A Africa From the south recorded a new daily record with 14,305 cases of COVID-19-19 in the last 24 hours, facing the second wave of the disease driven by a new variant of the coronavirus, according to official figures. According to the data, the country, the epicenter of pandemic in Africa – has a cumulative of 968,563 infections, 25,983 deaths and 822,978 recoveries, after having performed more than 6.3 million tests in a population of more than 58 million people. THE Africa South discovered a new variant of the coronavirus (SARSCoV-2 What it affects most of infected in the second wave of COVID-19-19.

08h19 – Africa recorded another 550 deaths due to COVID-19-19, for a total of 61,432 Deceasedand 26,204 new cases in the last 24 hours, one of the highest values ​​since the beginning of pandemic, according to official figures. According to the African Union Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the African continent now has 2,597,090 infected and the number of recovered in the last 24 hours was 20,239, for a total of 2,177,981.

07h29 – OR Mexico recorded 861 deaths and 12,485 infected like new coronavirus in the last 24 hoursthe authorities announced. The country raised the total Deceased since the beginning of pandemic to 121,172 and from cases to 1,362,654. With these numbers, Mexico is the thirteenth country with the most accumulated cases and the fourth in deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

07h27 – No SNS24 expires pandemic and I get tired one call at a time. A COVID-19-19 marks a before and after in the life of the SNS24 line and its health professionals, who in addition to the fight to win the pandemic they also try to overcome the fatigue of nine months of relentless calls. In the ‘call-center’ located in the center of Lisbon, a few dozen professionals scattered around an ‘open space’ seek to respond to people’s concerns, while a monitor collects the numbers in real time. The calls don’t stop, but you can’t hear the phones that ring incessantly with the demand for an answer; everything is digital, fast, and repeated by professionals to the point of looking mechanized.

07h24 – the U.S will require passengers to come from the UK with a negative proof of COVID-19-19-19 before boarding the flightauthorities announced Thursday. The United States is the latest country to announce new travel restrictions due to a new variant of the coronavirus which is spreading across the UK. UK passengers will need to obtain a negative test three days prior to their trip and provide the results to the airline. The measure will take effect on Monday.

OR The country also recorded 3,310 deaths and 224,475 infected like new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, according to the independent count from Johns Hopkins University. The country now has 18,634,141 cases and 328,849 Deceased by COVID-19-19-19 since the beginning of pandemic. New York State continues to be the hardest hit by pandemic with 37,013 deaths, followed by Texas with 26,128.

07h21 – A India recorded 336 deaths due to COVID-19-19-19 e 23,067 infections in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Indian Ministry of Health. Since the beginning of pandemic, a India represented 10,146,845 cases of the new coronavirus, remaining as the second country with the most infections, behind the United States. The country has at present 281,919 cases active disease.

07h18 – SNS24 already answered more than 3.67 billion calls in 2020. The president of the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS), Luís Goes Pinheiro, highlighted the response capacity of the SNS24 line in a 2020 marked by pandemic of COVID-19-19. “More than 3,670 million calls have already been answered on the SNS24. This is, in fact, an especially significant number, considering that last year not even 1.5 million calls were answered. Therefore, more than we have already doubled the number of calls answered last year and, as we know, in a context that was not regular throughout the year, ”said Luís Goes Pinheiro in an interview with Lusa.

07h12 – Hong Kong decided to increase the mandatory quarantine period from 14 to 21 days from now at designated hotels for people arriving from outside of China, a measure already imposed by Macao since Monday. The reason, justified the authorities, is the fact that new more contagious strains of the new coronavirus.

07h03 – A South Korea registered 1,241 cases of COVID-19-19 in the last 24 hours, the highest figure in the Asian country since the beginning of pandemic, announced today. In the last 24 hours, 17 people died, bringing the death toll to 773. In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, South Korea registered 54,770 cases.

07h00 – Good morning and Merry Christmas! We started a new registry to monitor the evolution of the pandemic in the country and in the world. You can remember the previous one here.

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