ADSE beneficiaries exempt from contributions amount to 65 thousand – News


“Currently there are about 65,000 ADSE beneficiaries exempt,” an official source from the ministry led by Alexandra Leitão told Lusa today.

In relation to previous years, the figure “has been growing at least since 2015”, adds the same source.

According to official data, in 2015 the number of beneficiaries who were exempt from contributing to the public health protection system was around 42 thousand, having increased to 47 thousand in 2016, to 54 thousand in 2017, to 57 thousand in 2018, having reached to 60 thousand in 2019.

The exemption from the ADSE contribution will no longer be indexed to the value of the national minimum wage, and will be set as a limit of 635 euros, the Minister of Public Administration announced on Tuesday at the end of the Council of Ministers.

The new norm integrates the diploma that the ADSE extends to about 100,000 individual State contracts, approved this Tuesday in the Council of Ministers.

Currently, ADSE beneficiaries deduct 3.5% from their salary or pension, but by applying the discount rate, a pension is obtained below the national minimum wage, which this year is 635 euros, the retired beneficiary is exempt from the contribution.

Next year, the minimum wage will be increased to 665 euros, as was also approved by the Council of Ministers this Tuesday, so this new rule ends up serving as a ‘brake’ to an increase in the number of exempt people.

The question has been raised by the General and Supervisory Council (CGS) of the ADSE, which argued that the State Budgets should finance the expenditure with beneficiaries exempt from contributions, proposing an endowment of 56.1 million euros for this purpose. .
