Trump’s request to increase stimulus controls blocked by … Republicans


The House of Representatives, the Democrat-controlled lower house of Congress, held a “pro forma” session this Christmas Eve in an effort to obtain approval from both parties (Democrat and Republican) regarding the review of payments intended for each. US citizen in a pandemic stimulus check. But the Republicans refused to accept the change.

Nancy Pelosi, the spokeswoman for the Democrats in the House of Representatives, criticized the Republicans and promised to reconvene the House on Monday to pass the amendment in a regular session.

“Today on Christmas Eve, the Republicans in the House of Representatives cruelly deprived the American people of the $ 2,000 the president agreed to support. If the president is talking seriously about this amount of direct payments, he should ask House Republicans to end this obstruction, “the Democrat said in a statement.

“House and Senate Democrats have repeatedly fought for greater controls for the American people, but House and Senate Republicans have repeatedly rejected it.”

After months of inter-party disputes, congressmen finally approved on Monday (21) a stimulus package to help families and businesses struggling to survive the coronavirus hit on the economy, before millions of Americans lost their rights to current benefits.

The legislation now passed includes one-time payments of $ 600 (492 euros) to most taxpayers, but President Donald Trump launched a “bomb” threat at approval celebrations, suggesting he could veto the bill unless the amount of the check to Americans was increased to 2000 dollars (1641 euros).
