Kidnap the taxi driver to get to Braga (with a shotgun and a baby in the car)


The masks provided by the Sapadores de Braga Firefighters Company to operators and users are stamped with the symbol of the corporation to avoid possible deviations. The department councilor says that the act does not harm the functions of the masks but Infarmed does not assume any risk and says that it does not ensure that the quality, safety and performance of the masks are maintained.

The warning was left by some users who were given patterned masks when they were transported to the Braga Hospital. In the emergency room, some health professionals have already warned firefighters that this will not be the most hygienic measure for masks. However, those responsible do not seem to see any problems.

Contacted by O MINHO regarding this situation, Councilor Altino Bessa, with the role of Civil Protection and the management of these firefighters, says he is aware of the case, but devalues ​​it, indicating that the masks themselves protect from the stamp ink , something that is conjecture because it is not scientifically proven nor has any test been done.

Photo: DR

“We decided to stamp the masks because some were disappearing and thus there is less temptation to wear them,” explained the leader of the CDS council in the municipality. From the councilor’s point of view, this seal “does not bring any problem”, justifying herself with the mask’s own functions: “If it serves to filter particles and droplets, it also serves to filter the seal, so there is no problem with that. “, reinforced.

The MINHO contacted Infarmed, the entity that regulates the approval of the use of masks for covid-19 in the national territory, but the response was not 100 percent enlightening.

One thing is certain, Infarmed is not responsible for putting seals on anti-covid-19 masks, even claiming that the person (or entity) who changed it is solely responsible. This requires an ASAE inspection.

Photo: DR

“If the masks are registered as medical devices, marketed by the manufacturer, if they are subsequently changed, the responsibility lies with those who change them,” Infarmed writes in response to O MINHO.

“Thus, placing a seal on a mask marketed as a medical device may have an impact (or not) on quality, safety and performance, not being the manufacturer responsible for this change but the person / entity that changed it”, it adds, assuming it may or may not cause problems.

The question can only be answered after examinations performed on the masks.
