Mutation of the virus? BioNTech guarantees the vaccine in 6 weeks


With the vaccine already distributed in several countries, there are those who question its effectiveness because it was very fast to develop. In fact, science is also highly developed as is technology (there are no miracles!).

With the appearance of a new strain, BioNTech has already come to ensure that it has a vaccine in 6 weeks.

Mutation of the virus?  BioNTech guarantees the vaccine in 6 weeks

RNA technology simplifies the design of a new vaccine

Ugur Sahin, from the German laboratory BioNTech, recently revealed that messenger RNA technology allows "to start directly designing a vaccine that completely mimics the new mutation." In addition, the scientist also mentions that "we are technically capable of delivering a new vaccine in six weeks."

Following the recommendation to approve the conditional marketing authorization for the vaccine, the EMA executive director said "there was no evidence" that the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine was not effective against this new strain, but that new information continues to come in. regarding the new coronavirus, so the European regulator will continue its evaluation.

Mutation of the virus?  BioNTech guarantees the vaccine in 6 weeks

The Directorate-General for Health (DGS) said that the first vaccines against the new coronavirus should maintain at least some effectiveness against the new most contagious variant in the United Kingdom, which has not yet been found in Portugal.

Portugal and DGS, in conjunction with the Ricardo Jorge Institute, are closely monitoring, both from the point of view of public health and epidemiological surveillance, and this strain is not yet detected in the currently known data.

The DGS official indicated that the respiratory samples being analyzed were collected in November.

This strain is more easily transmitted and does not seem to increase the hospitalization rate or fatality for now, Valter Fonseca was cautious, indicating that there is "significant uncertainty about the strain and its immune behavior."

Vaccines work by more than one mechanism. They have redundant mechanisms, they produce several types of antibodies and it is possible that in some mutations detected the vaccines maintain at least part of their effectiveness

This uncertainty is valid for the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, the first to arrive in Portugal and for those that follow, he stressed, noting that it is expected to maintain at least "some of its effectiveness" for the new strain.

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