Truckers arrested in England are involved in clashes with police



There are about four thousand trucks waiting to cross the border into France. The truckers have been stationed in England for four nights.

Truckers who are “stationed” at the Donver border in England clashed with police earlier this Wednesday morning, as they waited to continue their journey across the English Channel to France.

According to the Secretary of State for Housing, Robert Jenrick, there are about 4,000 trucks trying to cross the border.

The French border is already open again, however, thousands of truckers, to continue their journey, have to perform rapid tests on covid-19. These are being carried out by health workers with the help of the British Army.

It is worth mentioning that the closure of the border was ordered by France on the night of Sunday 20, in response to the new strain of covid-19 in the United Kingdom, which caused chaos in the areas near the crossing points of the English Channel. .
