The government approved a ‘range’ of new measures before Christmas. Know them here


OR The Government met, on Tuesday, in the Council of Ministers, in the last before Christmas, to approve a series of new measures ranging from the ADSE golden visas, also extending the period of adherence to the moratoriums.

Here is the ‘range’ of new measures that was approved by the António Costa Executive, with the Prime Minister presiding over the meeting by videoconference, since he is isolated.

  • The government approves the inclusion in ADSE about 100 thousand workers

The Council of Ministers approved the extension of the ADSE approximately 100,000 workers with individual contracts in the State, most of whom are sector of health. The civil service unions expressed their satisfaction with this news, but regret the delay.

The tax exemption to ADSE It will no longer be indexed to the value of the national minimum wage, but will be set at 635 euros, it was also decided.

  • The government approves the end of the ‘golden visas’ in areas metropolitan and coastal

The Council of Ministers approved the decree-law that ends with ‘golden visas’ in the coastal regions and areas metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto, which will enter July 2021, with a transitional period.

  • Government declares TAP, Portugal me Cateringby in “difficult” situation

A resolution was also passed declaring TAP, the Portugal It’s in Cateringby, the catering company of the TAP group, in “difficult economic situation”.

These companies are thus attributed the effects provided for in the legislation, namely, the modification of working conditions and the non-application or suspension, in whole or in part, of the clauses of corporate agreements or regulatory instruments. collective applicable, with the establishment of the respective regime it happenedaneo“, said the Government.

  • Regime exceptional for extended rent payment up to July

In addition, the Government approved the extension of the special regime for the payment of rents in the housing market until 1 July, given the impact of pandemic gives COVID-19-19.

The Executive also defined a “fair and progressive” regime for the conversion of loans from the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (YOU) in a non-refundable fund, which may be the contribution of the total value for aggregates with an effort index equal to or greater than 100%.

  • Government approves new adhesions to bank moratoriums until December 31 March

The Government also approved an amendment to the bank default regime, allowing new memberships until the 31st. March 2021. “This amendment seeks to protect against liquidity and treasury limitations derived from the economic impact of the second wave of pandemic”, Justifies the Government in the statement of the Council of Ministers.

  • Approval of the National Minimum Wage at 665 euros

The increase in the National Minimum Wage (SMN) to 665 EUR from 1 dejaneirode 2021. This is an increase of 30 euros. at present, the national minimum wage is 635 euros and the Government has as objective reach 750 euros at the end of the legislature.

  • Concession of the postal service of CTT prolonged until September from 2021

The government has extended to September next year the granting of the universal postal service of CTT, which ended at the end of this month, according to a statement from the Council of Ministers released today. “The Decree-Law was approved by which the concession of the universal postal service is extended, which will continue to be provided by CTT at the end of the month September 2021, “the document reads.

  • Healthcare professionals infected are exempt from proving disability

The Government decided to dismiss health professionals with COVID-19-19 to present evidence of causality between the disease and the exercise of exercise professional. The measure will make the process of paying compensation for acquired disability due to illness “more agile, agile and fast “.

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