Loans to pay rent can be converted into non-repayable grants | accommodation


Tenants who have difficulty paying rent for a home during the covid-19 pandemic can request IHRU support for the payment of arrears due and owed before July 1, 2021. And those who have already requested support in Under this plan, they can see their loans made to non-repayable grants.

The decision was made in the Council of Ministers on Tuesday and, according to the statement from the Housing Ministry, it is justified “in the current economic and social context”, especially taking into account “the duration and permanence of the pandemic framework. “, Resulting” fundamental to reinforce the safeguard measures of a fundamental right such as the Right to Housing “.

It should be remembered that with the outbreak of the pandemic, and in order to support tenants with difficulty in paying rents, the Government created a line of loans, to be contracted with the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU), which granted Tenants special behaviors to make these payments: it was an interest-free line with a delay of at least six months. The line supported the payment of overdue rentals as of April 2020; and the loan installments would begin to be paid next January.

With the pandemic situation still at its peak, the Government decided to extend the support for the payment of rents until July 2021, and now also foresees the possibility of converting these loans already assigned or to be assigned in subsidies.

In a statement, the Ministry of Housing explains that it proceeded “to define an equitable and progressive regime for the conversion of IHRU loans into non-reimbursable financial contributions (funds lost)”, the contribution may correspond to the total amount of the loan in the case households where the effort rate is 100% or more. And he adds that the conversion into a non-reimbursable subsidy also applies to loans already granted to comply with the Economic and Social Stabilization Plan (PEES).

To access the loan, the tenant may choose to present his own declaration, under an honorable pledge, of “having access to the support granted without prior verification of the drop in income. The tenant then has 60 days to deliver the evidence, guaranteeing the Government that “in the event of false statements, he must return the amounts already paid.”

The possibility of making affidavits is already in place for the investigation of current support requests. And the difficulties to be able to instruct the processes until the end by the tenants were pointed out as responsible for the high rate of rejection of orders that were presented to IHRU. According to the information provided by the Institute to the deputy of the Bloco de Esquerda, María Manuel Rosa, and in reference to the cases admitted to the institute until October 14 of this year, the IHRU received 2,392 requests, of which 2,219 they did not have access to support.

The IHRU stated that the high rate of rejections is due to “the existence of nonconformities regarding the proof of the contractual relationship, the loss of income or the declaration of honor.” Marina Gonçalves, Secretary of State for Housing, even admitted that there was some difficulty on the part of the tenants to present proof of the economic situation and the contractual relationship due to the informal situation in which many lived.
