SIC News | COVID-19. “I was discharged on the 20th with a clinical cure”: Graça Freitas returns almost three weeks later


The general director of Health, Graça Freitas, returned to press conferences on the evolution of the pandemic on Tuesday, after about three weeks of absence due to covid-19, revealing that she had had a clinical cure and without performing another test.

“Fortunately, I had a mild illness, I strictly complied with the regulations of the General Health Directorate and I was discharged on the 20th with a clinical cure. Security measures ”from the beginning of the pandemic:“ We all have to take precautions, be careful, observe a series of rules and yet there is no zero risk ”.

Before the imminent start of vaccination against COVID-19 in Portugal since the 27th, Graça Freitas highlighted the need to monitor individual and collective behaviors, in order to keep the spread of SARS-CoV-2 under control, and called for compliance with health regulations.

Even observing all these rules, small flaws or omissions make the difference between being infected or not. The recommendation is that, until we are vaccinated and have immunity, we must continue to observe the rules, “he reiterated.

Portugal today it counts 63 more deaths related to covid-19 and 2,436 new cases of infection with the new coronavirus, according to the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

The epidemiological bulletin of the DGS reveals that 3,095 people are hospitalized, 63 less than on Monday, of which 508 are in intensive care, that is, six more.

Since the start of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 6,254 deaths and 378,656 cases of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, of which 67,577 are currently active, 2,849 less than on Monday.
