Abrantes | Jorge Ferreira Dias interrupts camera meeting with attacks and death threats (updated) / with video


The mayors of Abrantes were today verbally threatened and physically attacked in a meeting of the Chamber by the citizen of Abrantino Jorge Ferreira Dias. The former civil construction businessman, who has been accusing the Abrantes City Council of the bankruptcy of his companies for years, exploded and was visibly upset in the auditorium of Edifício Pirâmide, where the session was taking place, and was later arrested by the PSP.

The mayor of Abrantes, Manuel Jorge Valamatos, and the vice president, João Gomes, were attacked this morning by former businessman Jorge Ferreira Dias in the middle of the City Council meeting that took place in the auditorium of the Pirâmide building, in Abrantes, as the employee who tried to block her entrance.

The citizen entered the room with a staff member and asked: “Do you want to solve something for the better or what do you want to do? Do you want to solve the problem forever or do I have to kill everyone? “He later threatened that, if he had to go back, he would come in with” a grenade in each hand “and then” close the door. “

Jorge Ferreira Dias attacks mayors in an executive meeting. Credits: mediotejo.net

It is recalled that the former construction businessman accuses the Abrantes City Council of the bankruptcy of his companies, having already lost a lawsuit in which he requested compensation in the amount of 6 million euros. The municipality was acquitted in November of last year.

Abrantes | Chamber acquitted in the case that opposed the company “Construções Jorge Ferreira Dias”

The Abrantes Chamber meeting, as well as its online transmission, was suspended, while Jorge Ferreira Dias threatened the mayors, said they were “rascals,” overturned tables and destroyed some equipment, hitting staff on the furniture.

During the confrontation, Ferreira Dias advanced the stick to the mayor, Manuel Jorge Valamatos, who was injured in the face, next to the lip. Later he was assisted in an ambulance by the Abrantes Firefighters, who meanwhile arrived at the scene.

Jorge Ferreira Dias attacks mayors in an executive meeting. Credits: mediotejo.net

An INEM ambulance was also present at the scene. The vice president, João Gomes, was injured in the arm by an assault with a chair, as well as a municipal employee, visibly nervous about the situation. They were then transferred to the Abrantes Hospital for medical examinations.

Jorge Ferreira Dias accused the mayors of “falsifying documents, scams”, shouting phrases like “Look what they did with Mercar” and “It’s over! Cheaters! ”.

Jorge Ferreira Dias attacks mayors in an executive meeting. Credits: mediotejo.net

The PSP was called to the scene, took the citizen out of the auditorium of the Edifício Pirâmide, listened to the testimonies of the victims and identified the witnesses. The case now goes to the Public Ministry.

Because the session has been suspended, a new date will be scheduled for the House meeting.

Chamber confirms that president, vice president and worker were attacked during executive meeting

The Municipality of Abrantes confirms that today, during the council meeting, “Mr. Jorge Ferreira Dias, armed with a stick with an iron hook, illegally entered the building where the session was taking place, made several verbal threats to those present and attacked physically the president, the vice president and a worker from the Municipality ”.

In a statement sent to the newsrooms, it reports that “due to the injuries, the firefighters were called to the scene, taking the president, vice president and the City Council worker to the Abrantes hospital for observation and hospital treatment. Another worker was transported who, due to the events, had a panic attack ”.

It adds that “the police were summoned to intervene, and a complaint was filed against the aggressor for the successive death threats, assaults and other possible crimes, committed at present and on other occasions, either in Chamber sessions, assemblies. municipalities and even on public roads ”.

The Abrantes City Council condemns and rejects any act of physical and verbal violence against any person, regardless of the circumstances.

It states in the same statement that “since the inauguration of President Manuel Jorge Valamatos, that Mr. Jorge Ferreira Dias was received on several occasions in a meeting, where he was always transmitted, it would be up to the court to rule on this case.”

And remember that “on November 25, 2019, the result of the sentence that gave reason to the Municipality came to light.” The Municipality of Abrantes clarifies that “it owes nothing to Mr. Jorge Ferreira Dias, nor to his companies, nor to the Municipality of Abrantes, as is clear from all the publicly available documentation of the case.”

The Municipality of the Socialist Party of Abrantes also expressed “its vehement repudiation of the events that occurred during the chamber session”, where “the President and Vice President, along with a worker from the Abrantes City Council, were beaten with a stick with a hook iron”.

“On several occasions the aggressor has addressed both the executive and the members of the Abrantes Municipal Assembly, making serious accusations and threats, having now turned to physical aggression,” laments the party, in a statement.

The Abrantes Socialist Party considers that “these facts do not dignify democracy and the rule of law in which we all live. In fact, in this defense of the rule of law, it is recalled that in the situation in question, the Administrative Court of Leiria has already handed down a sentence, giving reason to the Abrantes City Council ”.

“We also remember that political parties and movements should not, and cannot, make use of this type of situation or live off populism and opportunism, questioning their own judicial decisions. We cannot fail to mention that, during this process, some groups of organized citizens and political parties, namely the Bloco de Esquerda de Abrantes, joined the aggressor in question on several occasions, having organized demonstrations or participated in television reports ”.

Last year, mediotejo.net published an extensive updated article on the reasons that oppose Jorge Ferreira Dias to the municipality of Abrantes, which you can read here.

Abrantes | He was born poor, built companies, made millions and lost everything: the story of Jorge Ferreira Dias
