Four arrested for violating the confinement – DNOTICIAS.PT


The authorities detained four people between December 9 and 20 for disobedience to mandatory detention, issued 379 administrative offenses for non-compliance with the regulations and closed 40 establishments, announced today the Ministry of the Interior (MAI).

In a note taking stock of Monday’s meeting of the State of Emergency Surveillance Structure, the MAI reports that between December 9 and 20, two other people were also arrested for resisting or coercing an employee.

During the meeting, a review of the implementation, from midnight on Monday, of new measures applicable to flights from the United Kingdom was carried out. From Monday until Christmas Day, a total of 158 flights from the UK are expected to arrive in Portugal.

The note from Minister Eduardo Cabrita’s office also reports on the awareness, surveillance and inspection activity of the PSP and GNR among the population, indicating a total of 379 administrative infractions for non-compliance with current regulations.

Of these administrative offenses, 80 were due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads, 73 due to non-compliance with schedules, 60 due to non-compliance with celebrations and events that involved an agglomeration of more than five people and 49 due to non-compliance with the occupation regulations. permanence and physical distance in places open to the public.

There were also 36 administrative offenses for non-compliance with the mandatory use of masks in establishments, concert halls or public buildings, 27 for non-compliance with the mandatory use of masks in public transport, 24 for non-compliance with the regulations imposed by the health authority and six for non-compliance with the use of masks. mask on public roads.

Also, 18 administrative offenses were opened for non-compliance with the maximum capacity limits of public transport and 40 establishments were closed.

The State of Emergency Monitoring Structure monitors and periodically produces information on the measures in force in the continent in the context of the covid-19 pandemic.

In the meeting on Monday, by videoconference, the Secretaries of State of the different government areas and Secretaries of State of regional coordination participated -in a total of 18-, in addition to the heads of Security Forces and Services, of the National Authority of Emergency and Protection of the Armed and Civil Forces.

In addition to the balance of the different measures in force in the field of the state of emergency, progress was made in the measures planned for the period between December 24 and January 7, for which specific regulations are provided for Christmas and New Years.

According to the regulations announced by the Government, on New Year’s Eve there will be a mandatory curfew on the peninsula from 11:00 p.m. and on January 1, 02 and 03 from 1:00 p.m.

The prohibition to circulate on public roads will come into force from 11:00 p.m. on New Year’s Eve and from 1:00 p.m. on January 1, 02 and 03.

The measures apply to all municipalities in mainland Portugal.

In a statement, the MAI reports that the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) reported the sending, in collaboration with the General Directorate of Health (DGS), of a new SMS alerting the population about the related risk situation with the covid-19 pandemic. This SMS was delivered to a total of 10.6 million active numbers in Portugal.

The note also explains the information provided by the Undersecretary of State and Health, António Lacerda Sales, on the transmission rate (Rt) of covid-19 in Portugal (below 1 since November 20) and the number of active outbreaks (498), particularly in homes.

In view of the data made available, MAI insists on “strict compliance with the measures imposed by the state of emergency.”

Portugal represents at least 6,191 deaths associated with covid-19 in 376,220 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).
