The Nature Conservation Institute will investigate a mountain in Azambuja that killed more than 500 animals


540 animals died in a mountain in Quinta de Torre Bela, in Azambuja, reported the regional newspaper Fundamental, on Sunday. Now, the Nature Conservation Institute has said it will file a lawsuit to investigate what happened.

According to the same source, 16 hunters participated in the hunt, most of whom killed deer and wild boar. “We did it again! 540 animals with 16 hunters in Portugal, a record in a super mount”, they congratulated the authors on social networks.

Meanwhile, the Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICFN) communicated in a note sent this Monday to the media that “it had no prior knowledge of this action”, which took place in a hunting area authorized as a Tourist Hunting Zone (ZTC) in Torre Bela. to the Sociedad Agrícola de Quinta da Visitação, SAG, Ltd.

“The Management and Exploration Plan of this ZTC foresees the exploitation of deer and wild boar, by the methods provided by law, which include saddles,” explains the ICFN.

The Chamber of Azambuja has also reacted to this situation in a statement and, like the ICNF, claims not to have received “any official information about the assembly that took place in the Quinta da Torre Bela”, except through social networks . The municipality also indicates that to hunt there, authorization must be granted by the ICNF and not by the Chamber.

“The Municipality of Azambuja has already sent a communication to the ICNF and the Ministry of Agriculture to request all the information about what happened, so that these entities can verify the legality of this action, as well as the number of animals slaughtered and the destination. of them “, says the note

The PAN spoke of this mountain on social networks, pointing out that “killing for joy and sport is inhumane.” “The PAN wants to know what led to the authorization of this mountain, in an area of ​​great ecological sensitivity, surrounded by controversy, where the installation of a photovoltaic plant with 775 hectares is also planned and whose Environmental Impact Study (EIA) is in progress. course. public consultation phase until January 20, 2021, ”the party wrote.

The PS of Azambuja also spoke out against what happened, saying that “there must be rules and everything cannot be done. “It was not hunting, it was sacrificing those animals that had nowhere to flee, because the forest has been permanently euthanized and the animals were confined to the property walls,” the socialists wrote on Facebook.
