Pfizer’s first vaccines arrive in Portugal on December 26


Vaccination begins on day 27, as scheduled. All the media and technical sectors have been working in concert ”.

At the first moment of vaccination, “Health professionals directly involved in the care of patients with Covid-19” were selected from five NHS hospital centers.

The São João University Hospital Center, the Porto University Hospital Center, the Coimbra University Hospital Center, the North Lisbon University Hospital Center and the Central Lisbon University Hospital Center, institutions called end of line.

“We wanted to start protecting, who else protects us?”

Several health professionals have already been contacted to get vaccinated and in various institutions the number of responses “in the first minutes was very high.”

“What makes us look with great expectation what is the adherence of health professionals to vaccination”, he adds.

The next calendar

For the first week of January, depending on the delivery of more doses of vaccines, Marta Temido announced that there will be an “extension of vaccination to other hospitals and other SNS units and, above all, to employees of institutional institutions for institutionalized people.” .

The Health Minister stressed that the calendar is still being improved. There is a set of operations that go through the definition of institutions ”.

Marta Temido also invites all health workers to get vaccinated.

When questioned with the statements of the coordinator of the working group who said that 75 thousand vaccines would be administered per day. Marta Temido assured that “in January that number, with a certain degree of probability, will already be guaranteed.”
The new variant discovered in the UK

The Health Minister revealed that she was aware that in recent weeks there had been an increase in new cases in the United Kingdom and that studies have identified a variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which she described as “worrying”.

“It will be a variant that has no higher risk of hospital complications than the others. That there will be no greater risk of lethality than the previous ones. But it will have the capacity to present itself and multiply itself in a more marked way “he added.

Marta Temido also recalled that “the Ricardo Jorge National Institute of Health has been working on the sequencing of the virus genome since April and the latest studies that it carried out, which refer to the month of November (…) did not indicate the presence of this mutation in our country”. .
