Israel a few hours from the government – O Jornal Económico


New elections are fast approaching in Israel, after negotiations between the two parties that make up the government coalition have not understood: Likud, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Blue and White Party, Defense Minister Benjamin Gantz, could not postpone the deadline for the approval of the State Budgets until 2021 (from December 23 to 31), which makes a new electoral act inevitable.

As has been the case for months, both sides blame the failure of the negotiations on their coalition partner, which is increasingly the party each is politically opposed to, with Netanyahu accusing opponents of giving up. of all agreements reached with Likud. In a statement, the Prime Minister accused Gantz of increasing his demands every time a deal was closed, making any understanding impossible, despite the fact that a bill to delay the budget was approved in first reading by a commission of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament).

“Due to an internal disagreement between the Blue and White parties, Gantz withdrew all the agreements reached in the negotiations with the Likud. It is a pity that Gantz has decided to drag the country into unnecessary elections at the height of the coronavirus crisis, ”the statement said.

Gantz said he presented five demands to Netanyahu for his party (which is itself a coalition) to support the bill to delay the budget in plenary, including passing the 2021 Budget itself, unlocking the rotation agreement that Gantz for replace Netanyahu as prime minister and pass new Knesset rules of procedure.

Therefore, the call for new elections is expected this Tuesday. Among several politicians infected with COVID-19, Gantz himself is serving a quarantine period, posing even greater difficulties to any political debate between the two (still) government partners.
