The Nobel Prize awarded to the Ethiopian Prime Minister is “a great shame” for the Committee


The Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali constitutes “a great embarrassment to the Norwegian Nobel Committee” and “a major damage to the reputation” of the prize, considered a Norwegian researcher from Lusa.

“The Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Abiy is a great embarrassment to the Nobel Committee [norueguês, que decide o Nobel da Paz. Os restantes cinco Nobel são concedidos por instituições suecas], definitely. It is a great damage to the reputation of the award that was awarded last year to a war leader, furthermore, accused of widespread war crimes, crimes against humanity and even genocide, as already warned by non-governmental organizations. as Genocide Watch and the United Nations Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide [Pramila Patten]. This is shameful for the Nobel Committee, ”said Lusa Kjetil Tronvoll, professor in the department of Political Science and International Relations at Bjorknes University College, Norway.

Abiy Ahmed sent the federal army to Tigray, an Ethiopian state in northern Ethiopia, on the border with Eritrea, to replace the leaders of the TPLF, who had been challenging the central government for several months, for “legitimate institutions” and to lead them. before. Justice.
