The greatest alignment of Jupiter and Saturn occurs this Monday


The phenomenon occurs every 20 years, but the planets Jupiter and Saturn were not so close since 1623. Such a combination will already occur this Monday and will be visible from the Azores, guarantees the Santana – Azores Astronomical Observatory (OASA). .

It will be possible to observe the phenomenon with a telescope, “game” binoculars and even with the “naked eye”.

The greatest alignment of Jupiter and Saturn occurs this Monday

It may be possible to see the conjugation of Jupiter and Saturn with "the naked eye"

As Christmas approaches, and on the day of the winter solstice, this alignment takes on special relevance, since there are those who compare it to the star that guided the Magi. To observe such a phenomenon, the ideal would be to use a telescope, but "with the naked eye" and "in a sky with very little light pollution and on a night with good weather conditions, it will be possible to see the two planets so close together that it will appear as one" . , reveals Pedro García, OASA communication technician.

Binoculars, which "can even be fun," can help too. "If the binoculars are of any size, 50 × 70, they will already be able to see the moons of Jupiter and realize that Saturn has 'ears', which are the rings," the technician guarantees.

20 years ago, in 2000, “these two planets were very close, to the point that we could put a little finger between the two, which is about a degree in the sky. This time, if we put a little finger, we can cover the two planets, which means that it is really, really, very close.

The greatest alignment of Jupiter and Saturn occurs this Monday

Faced with the pandemic, OASA will not open doors, due to the restrictions imposed. However, the manager leaves some suggestions for those who want to observe the alignment. The phenomenon occurs around 5:30 p.m. in the Azores (6:30 p.m. in mainland Portugal), but Pedro García advises to start following the phenomenon from 3:30 p.m. (4:30 p.m. in Lisbon). "Starting at 7 in the afternoon, the objects (planets) will be touching the horizon and will disappear during the night."

Regarding its position, “the object will be seen in the southwest. After the sun goes down, more or less in the same position, ”he adds.
