Shopping centers can sue the State for “unconstitutional law” – Jornal Económico


Shopping centers can file a lawsuit against the State before an initiative is announced that provides for the retroactive suspension of the rental of shopping centers, which they defend as unconstitutional and penalizing.

“APCC members [Associação Portuguesa de Centros Comerciais] they will not hesitate to sue the State, in the sense of being compensated for the losses caused by the unacceptable trampling of the law, when disproportionate and unconstitutional laws were passed, “said the president of this association, António Sampaio de Mattos. .

The deputies approved today a bill for the PAN that aims to clarify the regime of exemption from payment of the fixed income component of stores in shopping centers.

The exemption applies from March 13 to the end of December of this year.

For the APCC, this vote associates an “unconstitutional law” with the “perverse effects” that unbalance the economic activity of shopping centers.

As highlighted in the same document, these spaces attribute to merchants “the greatest discounts in all European countries” from April to December.
