Passos Coelho sweeps the government: “Escape from responsibilities”, “inaction”, “populism and facilitism”


Former Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho breaks the silence to accuse the Government of António Costa of “flight of responsibilities” in the case of the death of the Ukrainian citizen, “populism and facilitism” in the results in Education and lack of respect for taxpayers in the restructuring of the GRIFO.

The return of Passos Coelho took place this Friday at the conference “Globalization in Portuguese: African revolutions and continuities”, as part of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the birth of businessman Alfredo da Silva, creator of the CUF Group.

In an X-ray of Portugal in 2020, the former PSD leader pointed to the case of the death of the Ukrainian citizen Ihor Homenyuk, in the custody of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF), as an example of “Incomprehensible inaction“For the Government.

“The search for a scapegoat is also noted very seriously in what happened in the extremely worrying case of the murder of a foreign citizen while he was in the custody of the State.”

“After months of incomprehensible inaction after the facts were known, and with the authority of the State seriously broken and the trust in public institutions pinched, everything has served to try to disguise what is not disguised: the greater difficulty in admitting the serious failures that were incurred by not having acted promptly ”, accuses Passos Coelho.

The Social Democrat identifies an “incomprehensible reluctance to defend the State from the evasion of the responsibilities of its leaders, who prefer to launch an unjust reproach to the entire security force involved, that is, aiming at its functional emptying, instead of simply and prompt assumption of responsibility ”, he emphasized.

TOUCH a bill for “too many taxpayers”

The State’s entry into TAP and the company’s restructuring plan to deal with the crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic also deserve strong criticism from Passos Coelho.

“TAP is preparing, if Brussels gives permission, to channel what it lacks in health, education, science or aid to the economy, to inject into the resized TAP, with thousands of unavoidable layoffs, fewer planes and activity, however Explain to the country that it will only do so because it has reversed a privatization that several governments tried, but only one succeeded, ”he says.

For the former prime minister, “this bill that the Government is about to endorse will take many years, by many governments and too many taxpayers, which the State does not see today with respect and parsimony.”

TAP should receive 970 million euros from the State in 2021

“Lack of humility to correct policies”

Pedro Passos Coelho also accused the António Costa executive of “populism and facilitism” in the controversy surrounding the poor results obtained by 4th grade students in Mathematics, in TIMMS – Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study.

“One of the deplorable cases of evasion of responsibility and lack of humility to correct policies that were manifestly inadequate. If they are maintained, these educational policies will cause great damage to the formation of young Portuguese ”, he said.

“The fact that the current Government has chosen to blame the Government that I headed, and which has already ended functions for more than five years, for these results that affect the school trajectory of students who start their studies in the field of reforms introduced by the current government team, in addition to being ridiculous, only serves to underline how populism and facilitism can animate the political debate ”, says the social democrat.

Passos Coelho warns that this way of being only serves to “disqualify public policies and to impose a burden on future generations, which weakens the country and which will ultimately generate greater social and economic inequalities and injustices among the Portuguese.”

“What Portugal is this that cannot escape the tail of Europe?”

The former prime minister, who ruled during the troika intervention, warns that Portugal is increasingly at the tail of the European platoon.

“If we are already one of the oldest countries in cohesion policy, soon we will be, if everything continues as before, the most distant will appear from all the others, including those in cohesion and those in which income inequalities will be most present wrinkled, ”he warns.

Passos Coelho says that it is time for the country to look inward, wonder what it is doing wrong so that it cannot move economically and introduce reforms.

“What Europe is this that only affects Portugal in relative terms? Finally, is it not appropriate to ask that Portugal is the one that cannot escape the tail of Europe, when practically all the others do? We will have to give the answer ourselves, looking at Portuguese society and changing what is necessary, changing public and private structures, achieving, if we wish, to implement stable and reliable rules, holding civil society and the government accountable. Declare and cultivate an example of safeguarding and separation of interests that can instill the development of social capital and trust ”, he defends.

“Portuguese passivity has no explanation” in Mozambique

Passos Coelho also points out flaws in the internationalization of the Portuguese economy and the attraction of foreign investment. “There is no greater intensity of innovation and knowledge in an external agenda of front speech,” he maintains.

The former president accuses the Government of neglecting the Lusophone and “inexplicable passivity” in relation to the wave of refugees caused by the terrorist attacks in Mozambique.

“I am not referring only to the European world, I am also referring to the global world, starting with the global world in the Portuguese language that has been so distant and distant from the concerns of public authorities, especially when there are situations that demand a different attitude of responsibility. and solidarity, as dangerously happens with Mozambique, for example, whose Portuguese passivity, at least apparent, has no explanation ”, he concludes.
