After all, what can you do for Christmas and New Years? 7 questions and answers


OR Prime Minister António Costa announced on Thursday night the measures that will take effect during the Christmas and New Year period. What can be said, from the outset, is that at Christmas the measures will ‘relax’ and then, at the end of the year, they will ‘harden’ again.

OR Minute news prepared a series of questions and answers on what it can and cannot do in that period, based on what was decided by the Council of Ministers.

1. Can families move to celebrate Christmas?

The circulation between counties is permitted, so that families can travel to celebrate Christmas. Still, underlined, there is Meetings on public roads with more than six people are prohibited..

2. Is there a curfew at Christmas?

Yes. The night from 23 to 24 December Circulation is allowed only for those in trârequirement so that people can “move slowly”. Then, the 24 and 25 of December Circulation on public roads is allowed until 2:00 am the next day. and the 26 December Circulation is allowed until 11 at night.

3. What should be avoided at Christmas?

In announcing these measures, the Prime Minister stressed that “Christmas celebrations must go with maximum of care“, adding that it is necessary to be” aware that each of us is a risk and the risk is all the greater the more we are and the less protected each of us is ”.

For this reason, the Government recommends avoiding many people, long time without a mask, as well as small and poorly ventilated closed spaces. The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, also says that this is a “trust contract” and calls for compliance with the measures.

“Only compliance with this trust agreement can prevent what none of us want: more cases, more excruciating pressure on inmates and intensive care, and more deaths.”, can be read in a note published by Marcelo on the website of the Presidency.

4. What time do the establishments close at Christmas?

On 24 and 25 December Restaurants can operate until 1:00 am and on December restaurants can operate until 3:30 pm in very high and extreme risk counties; you can check the status of your county here.

The Government emphasizes that on the 24th and 25th December closing times does not apply to cultural establishments.

5. In the New Year, is travel allowed?

Do not do. The government decided prohibit movement between municipalities between 00h on 31 December and at 5:00 on the 4th of janeiro, so during that period it will not be possible to travel. The truth is that, as in previous periods, there will be exceptions.

6. Is there a curfew in the new year? What time can you walk down the street?

Precisely at this point the Government decided to increase measures to contain the pandemic. On day 31 of December Circulation on public roads is prohibited after 11 pm. – which in practice means a cancellation of New Years celebrations in all the country.

In the days that follow1, 2 and 3 of janeiro) as well circulation on public roads is not allowed after 1 pm.

7. Can I go to a restaurant on New Year’s Eve? What time do the establishments close?

You can, but you should know that at night 31 of December restaurants must close at 10:30 pm. For the next three days (1, 2 and 3 of December) restaurants can only operate until 1 pm.

Summary of the main measures

Minute newsMeasures that will come into force during the Christmas and New Year period©

Also read: At Christmas, the Government does not move, but stops the New Year. Here are the measurements

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