The government wants refugees with work, a home and who speak a language in a year and a half


meIn an interview with the Lusa agency, the Secretary of State for Integration and Migration said that the revision of the reception model is nearing completion and has three points of emphasis, between the creation of a single operational group for asylum seekers and refugees, the reception of unaccompanied minors and the empowerment model of these people.

Regarding the autonomization model, Cláudia Pereira said that the wish of the Portuguese Government is that in the case of refugees who arrived under European Commission programs, which last for 18 months, autonomy is possible before the end of that period.

“The objective is that before 18 months, depending on the profiles, they can become self-employed for a job, already speak Portuguese, and be in their own homes paying with their salary and this is the regime in which we are working. and that it will soon be concluded because the objective is always to be integrated into Portuguese society ”, said the Secretary of State.

The new reception model also includes the creation of a single operative group, “a measure that was already being prepared” and within the framework of which a first meeting was held in the second week of December, to “deal jointly” with the entry. in Portugal of all refugees or asylum seekers, regardless of how they arrive in the country.

“Either by airport or by European Commission programs, coming from Greece, or from Egypt or Turkey, resettled and relocated, or minors from Greece, all are discussed in the same group, with the same entities,” he revealed. responsible, adding that it is a group coordinated by the High Commissioner for Migration (ACM), in conjunction with the Social Security Institute (ISS) and the Immigration and Borders Service (SEF).

Despite not setting a date for the completion of the review process, the Secretary of State confirmed that it maintains a logic of decentralization, so that refugees and asylum seekers not only stay in large urban centers, but can also leave. to live in the cities. areas of the interior of the country.

According to the Secretary of State, the new reception model brings not only a reinforced articulation between ACM and the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP), but also the restructuring of the employment area within ACM, since many immigrants come to the ACM for job offers.

A phenomenon with great expression during the months of the pandemic, since all sectors of activity were affected, with special emphasis on tourism and restaurants, where many immigrants worked.

“As we had such a large influx of unemployed immigrants looking for work and as we had companies asking if they knew of people who could work in agriculture, we tried to reorganize for those who had availability who could work, but always in the areas where that they were interested and that they were available for that, “he said.

In that sense, he pointed out that there were not only “hundreds” of immigrants who were going to work for agriculture, but also for supermarkets and other companies, throughout the country.

Others were “referred” to Portuguese courses and professional courses in areas “where more workers are needed”, such as metalworking or cabinetmaking.

Cláudia Pereira said that information days have been held to publicize the different job offers that exist in the interior of the country, as well as programs for young graduates or Roma people who want to apply for these jobs.

Regarding the qualification of immigrants, the Secretary of State has highlighted that the Portuguese courses will now be taught in the Qualifica centers, in addition to the IEFP, and it is also planned that protocols can be carried out so that these courses are carried out in companies or associations. , with more flexible schedules and fewer students per class.

On the other hand, he guaranteed that it is also the objective of the Government to facilitate and reduce the bureaucracy of the processes of recognition of titles, either “reducing the waiting time” or “reducing obstacles.”

Obstacles that Cláudia Pereira said she also wants to eliminate when foreign students come to Portugal, adding that the Government’s commitment is to go from the current 13% to 25% of foreign students studying in Portugal.

Asked about Portugal’s objectives in the matter of migration when she assumed the presidency of the European Union, Cláudia Pereira pointed out that several issues of the migration and asylum pact will be decided at that time, highlighting that this is the “first effort to reach a common understanding from various countries “.

He noted that Portugal stands out for its “progressive attitude towards immigrants” and the desire to integrate well, in a similar way to what is intended in relation to Portuguese emigrating to other countries.

“And this will be the position that will try that other countries can, as far as possible, reconcile. There will be many efforts, I am sure. Whether it will be possible or not, we will see, but many efforts will be made in this direction.” , guaranteed.

Also read: The Organization for Migration helped 219 refugees in Portugal this year

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